Downsizing and getting rid of stuff I should have gotten rid of long ago.

This is a good looking black 13" Macbook 1.1 Early 2016, 2 GHz Core Duo. 1 
GB RAM, 160 GB HD. 

Haven't used it for probably 5 years. AFAIR it was running fine at the 
time; booted up just fine right now. The trackpad button doesn't work but 
using gestures & taps on the trackpad overcomes that limitation. Battery 
does not hold a charge.

Cosmetically it's pretty good. There's a missing chip in the right front 
corner of the case that was endemic to this generation. Noticeable if you 
look for it. Current battery is white; if I can find the black battery I'll 
replace it.  Will need a magsafe charger.

$20 + shipping.

Vern Davis
Phoenix, OR  97535

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