
CB: And what would prevent this from becoming a regional, neo-Bolivarian armed
struggle ?

Stan:  Chavez aligns with the FARC-EP... The Ecuadoran left weighs in...  The Cubans
sign trade agreements... The left wakes up in Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica,
Puerto Rico... Sounds like a failed oilman slash US President's worst nightmare.  Let
us pray.


CB: And build solidarity.

There is a general strike in Bolivia.

Since we are playing a sort of guessing game here, my contribution is that these
solidarity movements will not come out before American interference, but as a result
of it. In the event that the US intervenes directly in Colombia or (as was the reason
I posted the article) continues the sabre rattling against the Chávez government to a
direct conflict, then the contradicitions sharpen. At this point, perhaps the US will
provoke a resurgence of cross-border solidarity that will allow the left-Ecuadorans,
the Farc-ep and the Fifth Republic movement to coalesce- but it would be unlikely
that any of the players here (save, perhaps, the Farc) will cross borders to extend
help before that moment.

The US is in a situation where they have to find a way to deal with Chávez and/or the
Farc and do so soon. As such, when these movements (it certainly isn't the case that
Chávez  _is_ the Fifth republican movement) begin to be threatened, they may look to
one another. It isn't hard to tell that Colombian revolutionaries and Venezuelan
patriots share both goals and visions in many areas- and this isn't all about simple
socialism, but Bolivarism.


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