Considering the mainstream clarity that comes with his radical analysis is so
needed right now, I heartily endorse and forward this request from Ohio.

Noted author Michael Parenti will be speaking in Columbus, Ohio on
Saturday, November 10.
    Parenti's topic will be"Democracy or Globalization? Progressives vs.
    Parenti is the author of several books, most recently, "To Kill a
Nation: The Attack on Yugoslavia," published by Verso Books in 2001.
Comments on the book are at the tail of this message.
    Michael Parenti's speech will take place at the Building Alliances for
Progressive Action Conference, Nov. 9-11.

    However, to make Michael Parenti's speaking engagement a reality, we
still need to raise funds.  Please help us by contributing toward this
event.   All contributions are tax deductible.
     Send contributions, payable to:
  Community Organizing Center
( this is a 501(c)3 organization)
  Address:  1101 Bryden Road
  Columbus, Ohio 43205 USA
  On the memo line of your check, please write "for Parenti"
(614) 252-9255

 Thank you.

For ten years, US and NATO forces have waged a campaign to dismember
Yugoslavia, including 78 days of round-the-clock aerial attacks in 1999 that
killed or injured upwards of six thousand people. Drawing on a wide range of
published and unpublished material (mostly Western sources) and observations
gathered from his visit to Yugoslavia in 1999, Michael Parenti challenges
the mainstream media demonization of Yugoslavia and the Serbs, and uncovers
the real goals behind Western talk of "genocide," "ethnic cleansing," and

To Kill A Nation reveals a decade-long disinformation campaign waged by
Western leaders and NATO officials in their pursuit of free-market
"reforms." The political and economic destabilization of that country
continues today, Parenti shows, as does the forced privatization and Third
Worldization of the entire region.

What they are saying about TO KILL A NATION: The Attack on Yugoslavia:

"Parenti has written a brilliant critique of the news reports on Yugoslavia
published in the respectable press. Each chapter provides a detailed
refutation of the propaganda myths that justified NATO's war. This is by far
the most compelling account in print."

- James Petras, co-author of Empire or Republic?

"A fierce, elegantly constructed elegy not just for the lives sacrificed in
the Balkan wars, but for concepts of national sovereignty and
constitutionality ... ... he writes with a taut cadence that exudes
conviction. Extremely disturbing, but, for the brave, jolting and necessary

- Kirkus

"To Kill a Nation is the best explanation of the great crime NATO committed
and what it will mean for our future. It is full of insights on the role of
US militarism and media disinformation in the service of corporate profits."

- Sara Flounders, editor and co-author of NATO in the Balkans

Macdonald Stainsby
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