BBC News
Sunday, 16 September, 2001, 18:22 GMT 19:22 UK
America widens its war targets

US preparations for military strikes are increasing Senior US officials
have issued warnings that up to 60 countries supporting perceived
terrorists face the "full wrath" of American military might.  Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said the US would engage in a "multi-headed
effort" to target terrorist organisations and up to 60 countries
believed to be supporting them.

The US, Mr Rumsfeld told American TV, "had no choice" other than to
pursue terrorists and countries giving them refuge, following Tuesday's
suicide plane attacks on New York and Washington.  Vice-President Dick
Cheney said US strategy was to "aggressively go after" Osama Bin Laden,
the Afghan-based Saudi-born dissident identified by the US as the
mastermind of Tuesday's attacks.

The statements came as President Bush consulted his top advisers at his
Camp David retreat on plans for a military response to the attacks, in
which more than 5,000 people are believed to have died. In other
developments:  US Attorney-General John Ashcroft says he will
ask Congress for stronger anti-terrorism laws, including wider phone-
tapping powers  Pakistan is sending a delegation to Afghanistan
to persuade the Taleban to hand over Osama Bin Laden.   Mr Bin Laden
issues his first direct denial of involvment in the attacks  Afghan
citizens flee built-up areas fearing imminent US air attacks  New York
Mayor Rudolph Giuliani reports that 180 bodies have now been recovered
from the wreckage of the World Trade Center, while 5,097 people
remain missing  US Vice-President Dick Cheney says that after Tuesday's
attacks, orders were given to shoot down any further unauthorised
passenger flights over New York and Washington.

Officials have made it clear that, apart from air or missile strikes,
the use of ground troops may be under consideration, to destroy the
network behind last Tuesday's attacks, and then try to eradicate state-
sponsored terrorism.  But the BBC Washington correspondent says the US
would like to build a firm coalition of states supporting its action
before launching any retaliation, even if that means some delay.

Opinion polls show strong support among Americans for the use of
military force against whoever was responsible for last Tuesday's
attacks.  Mr Bush has singled out Osama Bin Laden as the prime suspect.
 But his top officials stressed on Sunday that the problem was much
wider than just one man.  Vice-President Cheney singled out the
Egyptian group Islamic Jihad on NBC's Meet the Press programme.

Threat to Taleban  And he issued an emphatic warning to Mr Bin
Laden's hosts, Afghanistan: "They have to understand, and others like
them around the world have to understand, that if you provide sanctuary
to terrorists, you face the full wrath of the United States of
America."  The Saudi-born dissident issued a statement on
Sunday denying any involvement in the attacks.

"The US is pointing the finger at me but I categorically state that I
have not done this," he was quoted as saying by the Pakistan-based
Afghan Islamic Press news agency.

Hopes of finding anyone else alive in the New York ruins have
receded US Secretary of State Colin Powell has meanwhile welcomed
Pakistan's decision to allow the US full co-operation, possibly
including the use of its airspace.  Mr Bush has backed this up by
telephoning Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf to thank him for
his government's support. The Taleban has warned Pakistan that it faces
war if it allows the US to launch an attack from its territory.

Noble Eagle

At the same time, the president's military advisers are concerned that
the immediate threat of attacks on US civilian targets is not over and
a plan - Operation Noble Eagle - has been launched to improve defences.
 The extent of the damage at the Pentagon has become clearer. Warplanes
are patrolling the skies above major US cities and military
installations, warship battle groups are on guard off the country's
east and west coasts, and tens of thousands of reservists have
been called up to protect the homeland.

Throughout New York memorial services are being held on Sunday, with
thousands expected to attend the main ceremony at St Patrick's
cathedral.  The message from White House aides is that Mr Bush wants
ordinary Americans to defy those who carried out the attacks by
returning to the normal course of their lives as soon as possible.

New York's Stock Exchange, which has been closed since the attack on
the heart of the city's financial district, is due to reopen on Monday
- as is the US baseball season, suspended as a mark of respect.

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