Partija rada wrote:
> From: kloMcKinsey Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 3:31 PM
> > > But Klo Comrade, whatabout dictatorship of proletariat? I believe in
> that!
> > > For Communism,
> > > Milan
> >
> > Milan.  Proletarian democracy is the same as the dictatorship of the
> proletariat.
> >
> > Klo
> Yes, but since bourgeois scum use word democracy all the time I prefer to
> use expression dictatorship of proletariat (even if in Program of Partija
> rada stay proletarian democracy as one of main goals).
> For Communism,
> Milan

My reply,
But you are abandoning the word 'democracy' to the capitalists, when it
rightfully belongs to a proletarian state.

For the cause,


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