> > >Laden has 20 nukes


>Monday, August 9, 1999
>WASHINGTON -- Saudi fugitive Osama Bin Laden is believed to
>have up to 20 nuclear bombs and is seeking to launch a massive
>terrorist strike against the United States, a congressional
>investigator and author says.

>Yosef Bodansky, a researcher of the House Task Force for
>Counterterrorism and author of a new book on Bin Laden, told a
>news conference on Friday that Bin Laden has been seeking to
>follow up on his bombings of two U.S. embassies in east Africa
>one year ago. Echoing U.S. officials, Bodansky said Bin Laden
>was thwarted in plans to blow up the U.S. embassy and two
>consulates in India in last December and January.

>Bin Laden has biological, chemical and nuclear weapons and has
>received technical help from Iraq, Bodansky said. The nuclear
>weapons include suitcase bombs acquired through Chechniyan

>"The Russians believe that he has a handful [of nuclear weapons],
>the Saudi intelligence services are very conservative . . . they are
>friendly to the United States, [and] believe that he has in the
>neighborhood of 20," Bodansky said. Bin Laden obtained and
>purchased the suitcase bombs from multiple sources, he said. He
>has a "collection of individuals knowledgeable in activating the
>bombs" and "is recruiting former Soviet special forces [to learn]
>how to operate the bombs behind enemy lines."

>"As far as decision-making in Washington is concerned, we should
>assume that he has them," he added. "Most of them have been
>transferred through Pakistan."

>"Let me stress here: We don't have any indication that they are
>going to use [them] tomorrow or any other day," added Bodansky,
>whose intelligence estimates and analyses are considered
>controversial in Washingon. "But they have the capability, they
>have the legitimate authorization, they have the logic" for using
>them. "One does not [make] the tremendous amount of
>expenditures, effort, investment in human beings, in human
>resources, to have something that will be just kept somewhere in

>Bodansky said Bin Laden has strong ties with Islamic
>fundamentalists throughout the Middle East, the Balkans, Britain
>and the United States. He refused to name any specific
>organization in the United States.
>"There's a distinct minority within the Moslem community in the
>United States that is very sympathetic to his cause, to his analysis
>and interpretation of the relationship between the hub of Islam and
>the penetration of Westernization, Western culture and the like,"
>he said. "And a minority among this minority are known to have
>crossed the threshold of willingness to commit terrorist acts or
>commit violence. Many have been trained in Afghanistan, Bosnia
>and elsewhere throughout the Moslem world, so that they are
>capable. They have the skills and capabilities to carry out an
>operation as required."
>Bodansky said Bin Laden remains in Afghanistan. He said the
>Saudi is located in Islam Darva, about 80 kilometers northwest of
>Kandahar. When he wants to communicate with the outside world,
>he travels to Jalalabad, he said.
>Monday, August 9, 1999
Macdonald Stainsby
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