Hi Yoshie.

Here's what we're doing here, or part of it.  There seem to be some voices of reason 
here beginning to penetrate all this war frenzy, just barely.  Elin can provide you 
with the contacts we garner from this forum.  Also contacts may be available from 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for the Triangle area of North Carolina.

Thanks for doing this.  I'm quickly coming to believe that the failure to fight back 
against this lunacy will contribute to unimaginable consequences.  This is defintely 
not same-old same-old.  We need a mass movement badly to counter it.

While Mark's earlier analysis may SOUND melodramatic, some of us have been saying for 
quite some time that this was just waiting for the catalyst.  Imperialism, finding its 
immediate future before this event unpalatable, is now preparing to cash in.  I agree 
with Mark.  It is a suicidal course they are embarked on, and none of us shall be 
immune to its fallout.

Understanding the Attack 
on America: an Alternative View 
Great Hall, Student Union, 
UNC, Chapel Hill 
Monday, September 17, 5pm 

Speakers include: 

William Blum: Blum left the State Department in 1967 and founded the 
Washington Free Press. He is an investigative journalist in Washington DC and author 
of Killing Hope: U.S. and CIA Intervention since World War II and Rogue State: A Guide 
to the World’s Only Superpower 

Stan Goff: Goff is a retired Special Forces Master Sergeant and author of Hideous 
Dream: A Soldier’s Memoir of the U.S. Invasion of Haiti 

Rania Masri, Ph.D.: National Board Member of Peace Action, active 
Arab-American and author of Iraq Under Siege 

Professor Catherine Lutz: Anthropology Department, author of Homefront: A Military 
City and the American Twentieth Century 

Professor Rashmi Varma: English Department 

Professor Sarah Shields: History Department 

Sponsored by: Student Affairs, the Offices of the Vice-Chancellor and 
Chancellor, the Progressive Faculty Network, University Center for 
International Studies, and the Carolina Seminar on Bridging the Divide: Academics, 
Activists and the Struggle for Social Justice. 
For more information, contact Elin Slavick 919-962-0216 

> By now, many activists all over the USA & the rest of the world must 
have sprung into action, organizing, holding press conferences, 
handing out leaflets, gathering in vigils against war, and so on.  In 
Columbus, Ohio, USA as well, we've already held several meetings of 
activists against war; sent out a joint press release; offered 
solidarity to local Muslims in a place of worship & participated in a 
joint press conference with CAIR-Ohio; handed out leaflets; & taken 
part in three vigils.  We'll be meeting again on Sunday, September 
16.  (If you or anyone you know is in Columbus, Ohio, USA, please 
e-mail Yoshie Furuhashi at  or call Yoshie 
Furuhashi & Mark D. Stansbery at 614-668-6554, and we'll plug you 
into our local activist network.)

I'd like to ask you to report on your local & regional activities 
against war -- news likely blocked out by the corporate media.  I 
wish to have the names, e-addresses, & phone numbers of anti-war 
organizers elsewhere who can serve as contact persons.  Please also 
inform us of any national & international anti-war actions being 
planned (we know of & will participate in S29 being organized by the 
International Action Center -- for more info on S29, visit 
).  Let's build an international network 
(as the imminent war is likely to involve many nations).

In loving solidarity,

Yoshie Furuhashi

P.S.  I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who 
graciously endorsed our joint statement; if you haven't done so 
already, please see the statement at 
 -- if you'd like 
to be added to the list of co-sponsors, e-mail  
your name, affiliation (if any), & place of residence (for the 
purpose of documentation).

P.P.S.  Feel free to forward this to anyone against the imminent war.

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