Thank you, Hunterbear, for the link (at
<>).  Thank you, Stan, for
posting this:

>Understanding the Attack
>on America: an Alternative View
>Great Hall, Student Union,
>UNC, Chapel Hill
>Monday, September 17, 5pm
>Speakers include:
>William Blum: Blum left the State Department in 1967 and founded the
>Washington Free Press. He is an investigative journalist in
>Washington DC and author of Killing Hope: U.S. and CIA Intervention
>since World War II and Rogue State: A Guide to the Worldís Only
>Stan Goff: Goff is a retired Special Forces Master Sergeant and
>author of Hideous Dream: A Soldierís Memoir of the U.S. Invasion of
>Rania Masri, Ph.D.: National Board Member of Peace Action, active
>Arab-American and author of Iraq Under Siege
>Professor Catherine Lutz: Anthropology Department, author of
>Homefront: A Military City and the American Twentieth Century
>Professor Rashmi Varma: English Department
>Professor Sarah Shields: History Department
>Sponsored by: Student Affairs, the Offices of the Vice-Chancellor and
>Chancellor, the Progressive Faculty Network, University Center for
>International Studies, and the Carolina Seminar on Bridging the
>Divide: Academics, Activists and the Struggle for Social Justice.
>For more information, contact Elin Slavick 919-962-0216

Seth Sandronsky gave me this info:

At 4:19 PM -0400 9/15/01, Seth Sandronsky wrote:
>From:"Sac-Yolo Peace Action" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject:Call for peace
>Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001
>A joint committee, including Peace Action, has organized the following
>"Call for Peace."
>Please join us in two upcoming vigils, scheduled for the one and
>two-week anniversaries of the September 11 tragedy:
>4-6pm, 16th and J Streets, downtown Sacramento (50 people attended,
>many motorists honked in support of peace)
>Tuesday, September 18th and  Tuesday, September 25th
>In the wake of September 11th's tragic events, members of
>Sacramento's peace and justice community are asking our fellow
>Sacramentans to come out for peace.  While we are mourning the
>deaths of the recent victims of violence, we do not want more deaths.
>Some of our national leaders are calling for wanton revenge,
>threatening to attack whole nations which could kill millions of
>innocent people.   It is imperative that we call for peace, for a
>to the cycle of violence in which our country too often
>participates.  Those responsible for this and other attacks on
>civilians must be brought to trial before the world through
>established legal channels-not through vigilante or indiscriminate
>violent actions by other individuals or our government.
>We also call upon our fellow Sacramentans to make our community
>hate-free.  We must oppose and to stop any violence or
>discrimination against members of any ethnic or racial groups in our
>In the memory of those who have died from all acts of military and
>political violence, we call for justice and peace.

Is there any website *dedicated* to opposing the impending war, to
which everyone can *upload* info on upcoming anti-war actions,
reports, etc., & which lists the names, e-addresses, etc. of contact
persons?  (IndyMedia is too diffuse, unfocused on this war.)  If not,
can anyone volunteer to create such a website?  The IAC?  Hunterbear?
I'd volunteer if no one else does (though I need to first improve my
proficiency in HTML).


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