Israeli tanks roll into Ramallah

Wafa Amr

Sunday, September 16, 2001 at 20:00 JST

RAMALLAH, West Bank - Israeli tanks thrust into the center of
Palestinian-ruled Ramallah early on Sunday, firing rounds while
helicopters launched missiles from the air, Palestinian witnesses

  Hospital officials said Palestinian military intelligence officer
Adel Jaber died after tanks entered the West Bank town from up to
four different locations and fired several shells. At least 15 people
were wounded in the Israeli incursion, witnesses said.

  Some tanks stopped a few meters from the Palestinian Legislative
Council building. Witnesses said tank fire hit several Palestinian
security checkpoints inside and on the outskirts of the town.

  Witnesses said Palestinian policemen returned fire as helicopter
gunships swooped low over Ramallah, firing missiles towards at least
one Palestinian security checkpoint, a residential building and
caravans belonging to Palestinian President Yasser Arafat's Force 17
presidential guard.
  Loudspeakers in local mosques called on residents to go into the
streets to resist the Israeli incursion, witnesses said.

  The Israeli army declined immediate comment. An army spokeswoman said
she was checking the reports.

(Reuters News)

Macdonald Stainsby
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