> Resolution of the International Leninist Current on the Memorandum of
>  Understanding between JVP and PA in Sri Lanka
> The JVP has sold off its soul and its political independence to the rotten
>  Singhalese bourgeoisie. This represents a capitulation to the PA government
>  that Lenin would have undoubtedly considered a "class betrayal".
> (…)
> The cancellation of the constitutional referendum seems to be a considerable
>  success for the JVP which had been carrying out a vigorous campaign against
>  any form of self-administration of the provinces mostly inhabited by Tamils.
>  The referendum was being condemned as to pave the way for the "separatists"
>  and towards the "destruction of the Motherland". Any possibility of autonomy
>  (let alone self-determination) for the Tamil provinces is being excluded.
>  This was welcomed with big satisfaction not only by the most intransigent
>  anti-Tamil forces of PA, but also by the extremely reactionary UNP and by
>  the powerful Buddhist clergy, who is well-known for its chauvinist and
>  racist pro-Singhalese positions. The cancellation (protested not only by the
>  most democratic sectors of the Singhalese politics, but also by the whole
>  Tamil community) isolates the JVP from the most progressive sectors of
>  Singhalese society pushing it to once again look for a cosy place amongst
>  Singhalese chauvinism. 
> (…)
> By accepting to refrain from any attack on the PA government, which the JVP
>  used to condemn for years as a rotten and corrupted executive agency of
>  imperialism, the FMI and the world bank, the JVP has signed its own death as
>  a revolutionary and anti-capitalist party. Only a reformist party or a
>  leading group of mentally ills can accept not only to give up the class
>  struggle, but also to offer external aid to a capitalist government of a
>  compradora bourgeoisie hated by the people (this used to be the JVP's
>  judgment until one month ago) thus saving it from collapsing. 
> (…)
> There is a historical precedent in Sri Lanka's modern history: the Trotskyite
>  Lanka Sama Samaja Party entering the Government in 1963-65. In all their
>  texts, the JVP has been pointing out this event as the most shameful
>  capitulation to the Singhalese bourgeoisie. It seems to be history's irony
>  that the JVP has now ended up in the same way. 
> (…)
> If the JVP if it is not yet completely decayed, it will give birth to an
>  internal rebellion. It is unacceptable that a party carries out a similar
>  political turn without a democratically organised congress. If this will not
>  happen, if there will be no congress or a congress will not decline the
>  pact, the JVP will have to be added to the never ending list of communist
>  parties that have ended up siding with their own bourgeoisie.
> Full text:
> www.leninist-current.org/cgi-bin/ilc/news/view.cgi?category=all&id=1000743698
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