This is what our growing coalition against the impending war on the 
Middle East did yesterday (9/17/01) in Columbus, OH: 



Pan-African News Wire, Daily Dispatch, Tuesday 18 September, 2001

Detroit Demonstration Says No to War & Racism

Rally & march reflects country's rising mood against retaliation

By Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW

DETROIT, 17 Sept., (PANW)--"One, two, three, four, we don't want your
racist war," was just one the chants of over 200 demonstrators in
Detroit's University Cultural District on Monday evening, as the growing
sentiment against the current "state of war" declared by the Bush
administration continues to escalate.

Activists from a host of peace, labor, anti-imperialist, anarchist,
religious, socialist and community organizations gathered at the corner of
Woodward Avenue and Warren after 5:00 p.m. to express their outrage at the
military buildup in response to the attacks on the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon last Tuesday as well as the numerous hate crimes committed
against Arabs, Muslims and Asians throughout the United States.

One prominent sign in the demonstration read that: "Arab-Americans and
Muslims are not our enemy, they are our brothers and sisters." Although
the participants in the peace and anti-racism rally deplored the attacks that
occured last week in Washington and New York City, they did not feel that
the invasion of Afghanistan and other countries would provide any solution
to the current international crisis engendered by the airplane hijacking and
the resulting deaths of thousands of people on Sept. 11.

Jerry Goldberg, an activist speaking on behalf of the International
Action Center, discussed the demonstrations that had been planned against
the policies of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund on
September 29-30. Subsequently the IMF and World Bank have postponed their
meetings in response to the disaster at the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon last week.

"When I went to sleep on Tuesday night I was unsure about how the
demonstartions would proceed," Goldberg said.  "However, we are going to
continue with our plans by shifting the focus to the struggle against the
war drive and the rising anti-Arab racism in the country," the IAC
spokesperson continued.

Demonstration passes mosque that was attacked

After the gathering at Woodward and Warren, the demonstration headed south
towards the Islamic Center and mosque that had its windows smashed last
week by some individual or groups who are blaming all Muslims for the
attacks that occured on September 11.

Marchers walked around the area of the mosque, which was founded by the
Muslim Students Association of Wayne State University several years ago.
The facility serves as a social service, religious and educational center
for the large Islamic community on the campus and the surrounding areas.

There were no violent incidents during the march, although one white male
drove pass the protest near the Islamic Center and shouted from his vehicle
that: "They all are going to die."

Rally at campus mall

The demonstration then continued through the WSU campus and eventually
gathered at Gullen Mall where a public speak out was held featuring
veteran activists as well as many young people who have been deeply moved
by the events over the last six days.

"I hope there will be an end to violence against Arabs here and in other
countries," said Monica Kathleen, who helped organize the rally on Monday
evening.  "People need to ask, why do other countries hate
Americans?--It's because we bomb other countries."

"There no excuse for the World Trade Center bombing but there is no excuse
for the US bombing of other countries either," according to a quote
from Kathleen published in the South End.

"Looking at you I see signs of hope," said Grace Boggs, a veteran
community activist.

"A station is growing between the White House and what the people feel.
Instead of talking about retaliation, even young kids are saying we cannot
solve these problems by devastating others because we have been
devastated," Boggs said.

"All over the world, we have topped everybody in the number of civilians
we have killed," declared Boggs.  "We need to continue to rebuild our
humanity to another state."

A call issued by the demonstration's organizers spoke to the objectives
of the action on Monday.  The statement says that:
"Attacking Arab and Muslim people and bombing Afghanistan or anywhere else
will not lead us to a peaceful world free from violent acts like those
that transpired on September 11.  As long as we periodically bomb and
continue to impose sanctions on the Iraqi people, maintain the embargo
against Cuba, give unconditional support to Israel, refuse to participate
in the talks on racism in Durban, block inquiries into the aftermath of
the bombing of the Sudanese pharmaceutical plant, and other shameful acts
in which the US participates, we will never realize an end to this cycle
of violence."

Spokespersons at the demonstration said that they are now planning a
teach-in on the war drive and the racist attacks directed towards Arabs
and Muslims.  Others deplored the ethnically motivated murder of an
Indian Sikh immigrant who owned a gas station in Mesa, Arizona on Sunday
as well as other attacks against Muslims, Asians, Arabs and various groups
who are being treated as scapegoats for the Sept. 11 deaths and injuries.

The anti-war activists will hold an open meeting on Monday, Sept. 24 at 7
p.m. at the Hilberry Lounge on the second floor of the Student Center
Building on the Wayne State University campus.

Another meeting of community and labor activists is also scheduled for
this coming Saturday afternoon. A location has not yet been formally

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Macdonald Stainsby
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