----- Original Message -----
From: "Yoshie Furuhashi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Carrol is correct, especially in that we must organize against war,
> whoever may turn out to have committed the WTC & Pentagon bombings.
> Yoshie

I'm not speaking as an activist here, I'm speaking as a researcher we need to be
willing to challenge all that exists.... however, as an activist, the line I
will be using while speaking to people will *roughly* be :


Terrorism cannot be bombed out of existence. bombs will create more of the anger
that has allegedly caused these plane bombings. In the case it is "Osama bin
Laden", the anger started in the American attacks on the Mid East to begin with.
State terror on people can beget peoples terror at the United States. This can
only escalate, with the very real threat of chemical weapons and possible
nuclear threats from all sides. The media today casually threatens us with
nuclear strikes as a calculated effort to make us fear people in the South East
of Asia.

Racism is being whipped up by a media that wants us to go to war in the middle
There is a good chance that this will expand far beyond Afghanistan, drawing in
the populations of much of the region. This has already produced massive refugee
convoys coming out of Afghanistan and lynchings fire bombings of mosques (and
Sikh temples, etc.) throughout North America. We must say no to the medias
vicious racism. It is not a mere backlash: It is being promoted as a strategy to
get the public ready for a bloody war.

The civil rights of all North Americans (Bill C-16 is being passed in Canada, a
State of Emergency has been declared without a set end date in the USA) have
come under unacceptable attack. Cynically using the dead in NY and WDC to
promote a grab of our rights, governments are trampling free association, free
speech and due process (among many others). This has very ominous implications
in the long term, and must be stopped immediately. We need to speak before it is
too late.

The human rights of immigrants and refugees are under direct attack now. Aside
from the attack on civil liberties in general, both the US and Canadian
governments have threatened (and likely will try) to put extremely prohibitive
immigration "controls" on refugees from countries (such as, for example,
Afghanistan). All of these attacks on people- coded in the language of security-
must be resisted.

Modern capitalism will never again make the mistake of instituting a
cancellation of elections. The removal of our personal rights and the possible
re-occupation of the entire middle east- not to mention that Palestinians are
already paying the price due to the "green light" given to the Israeli armed
forces (through deafening silence).

We need to say "no" to America's new war, any new "anti-terrorist" legislation
that infringes on our rights- whoever and wherever we are- and against a media
sponsored and government pushed racist backlash against our sisters and brothers
of all the world.



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