You have got your information wrong. This Party no
more runs the state of Kerala as it has lost the last
elections. But in West Bengal this party is in power
for a whooping 30 years and all through a democratic
and fair elections.
--- Macdonald Stainsby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This party runs the State of Kerala in India.
> Macdonald
> --
> September 21, 2001
> Press Statement
> The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India
> (Marxist) has issued the
> following statement:
> On President Bush's Declaration
> President Bush through his speech to the US Congress
> has declared that the US
> will conduct a global war against terrorism. In
> doing so the future scenario
> spelt out by the President has many disturbing
> aspects.
> India and the rest of the world have strongly
> condemned the horrendous terrorist
> attacks in New York and Washington on September 11.
> The world community is
> agreed that the perpetrators of this crime must be
> brought to book and punished.
> This has to be done by careful investigation,
> identifying the culprits
> responsible and getting the United Nations and other
> international forums
> involved in the effort.
> In announcing a lengthy campaign "unlike any other
> we have ever seen" President
> Bush has promised to set the American military
> machine to strike at not only
> Afghanistan but in any part of the world, where the
> United States thinks
> terrorism is supported, or, harboured.
> The United States cannot arrogate to itself this
> right, nor, determine for the
> world how terrorism should be fought.
> In the entire course of the speech, Bush has not
> mentioned the United Nations
> even once. It is clear that he seeks to rely on the
> NATO and the close allies of
> the United States to conduct this global military
> action.
> The consequences of such unilateral adventurism will
> be incalculable.
> The Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) demands that the
> Security Council of the United
> Nations meet immediately to take stock of the
> situation and chalk out a concrete
> plan of action. The Indian government should
> immediately demand such a course of
> action.
> Stop Offering Military Facilities to US
> The Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) strongly reiterates
> its position that the
> Vajpayee government should not in any way commit to
> any participation in the
> proposed US military action by offering logistical
> or operational facilities.
> Even after it has become clear that the United
> States is not seeking specific
> facilities from India and has asked Pakistan to
> extend logistical support, the
> leadership of the BJP government continues to harp
> on providing facilities for
> the military operation.
> The government leaders have stated that India will
> consider any request for
> military cooperation. Briefings to the media have
> been held to say that India is
> prepared to offer "turnaround facilities" to the US
> aircrafts on their return
> from strike missions in Afghanistan.
> The stance adopted by the Vajpayee government is
> harmful for India's prestige
> and sovereignty.
> September 21, 2001
> Press Statement
> The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India
> (Marxist) has issued the
> following statement:
> Consequent to the decision of the Supreme Court
> disqualifying Ms. Jayalalithaa
> from holding the post of Chief Minister, the AIADMK
> as a Party commanding a
> majority in the assembly will have to elect a new
> leader to form the government.
> As far as the legal cases are concerned, the appeal
> of Ms. Jayalalithaa against
> her conviction in the Tansi case is pending before
> the High Court. This case
> must be disposed off without any delay.
> end
> cpi(m) website:
> people's democracy:
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