We have a large Sikh community in our metropolitan area (Sacramento).  A 
local racist has decided that Sikhs are the same as bin Laden so he drove his 
tractor into the local temple's sacred pond.  Responsible people are trying 
to head this crap off.  An Islamic and a Sikh leader came to speak at our 
Central Labor Council.
We have had trouble of this sort before with a local rock station disk jockey 
calling Middle Easterners "camel jockeys" and I had to chew out a Chicano 
neighbor who thought that yelling "towel head" at strangers on the street was 
We have a Unity Council made up of local community leaders and elected 
government officials.  These include a very eloquent spokesperson from the 
Middle Eastern Islamic community who attend these meetings and speaks at its 
public events.  We have had unity rallies at the State capital and building 
days to repair 2 of our local synagogues which had been damaged by racist 
firebombings.  We are also trying to deal with the racial profiling actions 
by our local police and the worse practice by our sheriff department.  We had 
to deal with anti-Asian and antigay remarks made by one of our professional 
basketball players and tried to prevent anti-Asian backlash after the release 
of the move, Pearl Harbor.

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