CNN; New York Times; AP. 13 September 2001. Pentagon ponders calling up
military reserves; Pentagon Official Outlines Plan to Put Military on
War Footing; Bipartisan Support for $20 Billion Anti-Terrorism Package;
IMF, World Bank Consider Postponing Meetings. Combined reports.

The Capitol building was evacuated Thursday evening, reportedly because
of a bomb threat. White House spokesman Ari Fleischer announced that
security around the presidential residence had been expanded.

The Pentagon is working on a plan to call up several thousands military
reservists to back up the crews supporting the fighter jets that are on
"strip alert," which means the warplanes could take to the air within 15
minutes, sources tell CNN.

The call-up can only be done by presidential order. Some of the reserves
have other special skills such as water purification, air traffic
control or logistics.

Governors in 31 states have called up 10,000 National Guard troops.

Congress is considering a resolution to give President Bush
authorization for military strikes in retaliation for the terrorist

Turkish military sources said the United States has bolstered its
presence at an air base near the Iraqi border.

The House of Representatives passed a resolution Thursday, calling on
all Americans to fly the national flag.

A senior Pentagon official laid out today in the starkest terms yet the
outline of a plan to put the American military on a war footing for the
next year, describing a "a campaign, not a single action," that would
attack terrorists and their havens and bring down governments that
support them.

"It's not just simply a matter of capturing people and holding them
accountable, but removing the sanctuaries, removing the support systems,
ending states [N.B.] who sponsor terrorists.

Bush sent House Speaker Dennis Hastert a formal request Thursday for $20
billion and suggested he could request more money. Quick passage "will
send a powerful signal of unity to our fellow Americans and to the
world," Bush said. "If additional resources are necessary, I will
forward another request for additional funding," he said.

Among the final details to be worked out on the spending bill were the
leeway Bush would have to disperse the money to specific programs
without congressional approval.

While the thought of spending billions more this year and likely tapping
into formerly untouchable Social Security reserves would have ignited a
political firestorm just a week ago, lawmakers said Wednesday the
request would be granted now. "That debate is over at this point," said
Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill.

The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank said Thursday that no
final decision had been made on whether to cancel their annual meetings,
but some officials indicated that the gatherings would at least be

Washington officials have urged the two 183-nation lending institutions
to cancel the Sept. 29-30 meetings in light of the terrorist attacks at
the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

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