Reuters. 24 September 2001. Taliban: Killing Bin Laden Would Not End
'Terrorism.'; Taliban Seize U.N. Offices, Food Aid in Afghanistan.
Combined reports.

ISLAMABAD -- The United States cannot win its "war on terrorism" by
killing Osama bin Laden and should focus instead on withdrawing from the
Gulf and ending its bias in the Middle East, the Taliban leader said

Mullah Mohammad Omar, the reclusive spiritual leader of the hard-line
Islamic movement ruling Afghanistan, said in a statement that Washington
faced a "vain and bloody war" if it did not change its Middle East

Signs were emerging that the one-eyed Mullah Omar was engaged in
delicate political  maneuvering to try to stave off attack by the
world's mightiest army without being seen by his followers -- and the
Muslim world -- to be abandoning bin Laden.

The most wanted man in much of the world -- with the United States
raising the price on his head -- is venerated by many purist Sunni
Muslims who see him as striking back against U.S. imperialism.

Taliban men were still trying to find the Saudi-born fugitive to pass on
to him the verdict of clerics who demanded last week that he leave of
his own free will and in his own time in the face of retaliatory attacks
by Washington, said Abdul Hai Mutmaen, the Taliban's chief spokesman.

Even if bin Laden was found, the Taliban would not hand him over without
proof of his guilt in the attacks this month in the United States that
killed nearly 7,000, Mutmaen told Reuters from his leader's base in the
southern city of Kandarhar.

"It is not permissible to send him against his will. When we find him we
will deliver the verdict and it is entirely up to him whether he wants
to go or stay, but so far we have failed to track him down," he said.

"We rule out the possibility of his handover to America without
substantial evidence."

In a message relayed simultaneously in Kabul, Islamabad and the Gulf,
Taliban officials also said they were reinforcing their army with an
additional 300,000 men.

"America should not mislead itself. It cannot emerge from this crisis by
the murder of myself and Osama bin Laden," said a statement issued by
Mullah Omar's office in the southern city of Kandahar.

"If America wants terrorism to end, it should withdraw its forces from
the Gulf and end its partisanship in Palestine," said Mullah Omar, who
has given shelter in Afghanistan to bin Laden since 1996.

"All detachments of the national defense ministry are ready for the
defense of their religion and country with full vigor and order,"
Defense Minister Mullah Obaidullah said in a statement sent to Reuters
in Kabul.

In Qatar, al-Jazeera television broadcast an interview with a Taliban
Foreign Ministry official, Mohammad Qasim Halimi, saying men were
begging Kabul to arm them to defend the country.

In Kabul, hundreds of youths drove around the city shouting anti-U.S.
slogans and waving protest posters in a rally against the expected U.S.

"Death to America!" one of the protesters said. "We will fight this
devil if it attacks us. We will not sit idle."

"The flame of the fire will burn the lap of the United States and its
supporters," he said.

Meanwhile, the ruling Taliban have shut down the U.N. Afghan
communications network, taken over its office in Kandahar and seized
1,400 tons of U.N. food aid, crippling the world body's aid operations
in the country, U.N. officials said Monday.

Macdonald Stainsby
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