How U.S. destroyed progressive secular forces in Afghanistan

By Deirdre Griswold
The media are suddenly full of opinions about Afghanistan, now that the Bush
administration is accusing Osama bin Laden and other Islamic fundamentalists
of being behind the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
In the 1980s, the reactionary political elements now ruling Afghanistan were
working with the CIA to overthrow a progressive Afghani government supported
by the Soviet Union. After the spending of an ocean of blood and billions of
U.S. dollars, the reactionaries won.
Washington was happy and unconcerned as its protégés went on to butcher
Afghani progressives, restore landlordism and repress women while fighting
among themselves.
The eventual triumph of the Taleban faction represented a catastrophe for
the Afghani people. Just in the last year thousands of Afghani refugees have
died of starvation and exposure and Kabul, the capital, is such a wasteland
that the U.S., demanding vengeance, can't even find anything to bomb.
On Oct. 10, 1996, Workers World printed the following article about how the
U.S. strangled a popular revolution led by the Progressive Democratic Party
of Afghanistan (PDPA) against feudalism and imperialism.
Not that long ago, the bourgeoisie could still feel pride in their
revolutionary history. They continued to celebrate the 1789 French
Revolution and many other great victories in the struggle against feudal
They even spoke approvingly of the 1917 overthrow of the czarist autocracy
in Russia. The problem, they said, was that the Bolsheviks had spoiled that
struggle for democracy by going too far.
But capitalism in this rotten age of U.S. imperialist conquest of the globe
has degenerated so far from its revolutionary roots that it is now, to
borrow a phrase from Henry Kissinger, to the right of the czar. And it is
celebrating the return of absolute feudal rule in Afghanistan.
The powerful media engines, their reach multiplied by the most modern
technologies, are presenting the world with instant photographic images of a
lynching--that's all it was--of the few progressives left in Kabul. .
To make the deed more palatable, the media use adjectives like "butcher" to
describe former President Najibullah and his aides. Dragged out of the
United Nations compound where they had sought asylum for the last four
years, they were beaten to death and then left hanging for all to see.
But among themselves, foreign-policy experts for the U.S. establishment know
that the Afghani progressives' real crime was that they tried to carry out a
social transformation in their country in the direction of socialism.
What authority bears witness to this? None other than the U.S. Department of
the Army itself.
The Pentagon puts out what it calls country study books on almost every
country in the world. They are updated every few years. These books contain
basic information for the use of U.S. personnel traveling or working abroad.
There's nothing classified in them. They're available in most libraries.
"Afghanistan--a Country Study" for 1986 has of course the anti-communist
line expected of a Pentagon publication. But it also contains much useful
information about the changes instituted by the Afghani Revolution of 1978.
Freeing women and peasants
Before the revolution, 5 percent of Afghanistan's rural landowners owned
more than 45 percent of the arable land. A third of the rural people were
landless laborers, sharecroppers or tenants.
Debts to the landlords and to money lenders "were a regular feature of rural
life," says the U.S. Army report. An indebted farmer turned over half his
crop each year to the money lender.
"When the PDPA took power, it quickly moved to remove both landownership
inequalities and usury," says the Pentagon report. Decree number six of the
revolution canceled mortgage debts of agricultural laborers, tenants and
small landowners.
The revolutionary regime set up extensive literacy programs, especially for
women. It printed textbooks in many languages--Dari, Pashtu, Uzbek, Turkic
and Baluchi. "The government trained many more teachers, built additional
schools and kindergartens, and instituted nurseries for orphans," says the
country study.
Before the revolution, female illiteracy had been 96.3 percent in
Afghanistan. Rural illiteracy of both sexes was 90.5 percent.
By 1985, despite a counter-revolutionary war financed by the CIA, there had
been an 80-percent increase in hospital beds. The government initiated
mobile medical units and brigades of women and young people to go to the
undeveloped countryside and provide medical services to the peasants for the
first time.
Among the very first decrees of the revolutionary regime were to prohibit
bride-price and give women freedom of choice in marriage. "Historically,"
said the U.S. manual, "gender roles and women's status have been tied to
property relations. Women and children tend to be assimilated into the
concept of property and to belong to a male."
Also: "A bride who did not exhibit signs of virginity on the wedding night
could be murdered by her father and/or brothers."
The revolution was challenging all this.
Young women in the cities, where the new government's authority was strong,
could tear off the veil, freely go out in public, attend school and get a
job. They were organized in the Democratic Women's Organization of
Afghanistan, founded in 1965 by Dr. Anahita Ratebzada.
Ratebzada's companion, Babrak Karmal, was one of the young revolutionaries
who had formed the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan in that same
year and would later become president of the country.
Repression and revolution
A revolution was literally thrust upon this young party in 1978. The
reactionary government of Mohammad Daoud, which was close to both the shah
of Iran and the United States, arrested almost the entire leadership of the
PDPA on April 26, 1978. There had been a huge funeral procession just a week
earlier for a murdered member of the party, and the progressive masses in
Kabul saw the new arrests as an attempt to annihilate the party just as the
military junta had done to the workers' parties in Chile in 1973.
An uprising by the lower ranks of the military freed the popular party
leader, Nur Mohammad Taraki--the soldiers actually broke down his prison
walls with a tank. Within a day, Daoud was overthrown and a revolutionary
government proclaimed, headed by Taraki.
This uprising of the soldiers and the city masses, many of them low-paid
civil servants in a country with very little industry, was every bit as
glorious as earlier revolutions against feudal tyranny in Europe. It held
the promise of breaking down the old traditions based on oppression and
The leaders of the PDPA were educated, although some, like Taraki, came from
very poor families. But they had been to Kabul University, some had studied
abroad, and they yearned to bring enlightenment and material progress to
Had all this happened 150 years ago, the feudals would have been overthrown
and Afghanistan welcomed into the fold of progressive bourgeois nations. But
that was before the age of imperialism, and especially before the era of
proletarian revolutions and the Cold War.
The U.S. CIA began building a mercenary army, recruiting feudal warlords and
their servants for a "holy war" against the communists, who had liberated
"their" women and "their" peasants. Washington spent billions of dollars
every year on the war.
The only country in the area ready to help the Afghani Revolution was the
Soviet Union. The USSR intervened militarily. But it could not defeat this
well-armed counter-revolutionary force.
Every battle was a test not only of Soviet military might but of the
political resolve of its leaders. They finally withdrew the troops in 1989
as the shift to the right within the USSR became critical.
The war in Afghanistan began some 18 years ago. It continued long after the
last progressive government in Kabul fell in 1992. The recent stage has been
an orgy of destruction as rival reactionary groups fought for control of the
capital, now mostly destroyed.
More than 2 million Afghanis have been killed in this struggle, and millions
more made refugees. Now half the remaining population--the women--have been
returned to the status of property without a single human right. A poor man
unable to pay his debts can have his hand cut off for theft.
The schools and clinics built by the revolution are in ruins. The Taleban--a
fundamentalist group supported by Pakistan that was trained and armed by the
U.S. CIA--has taken the capital and is pursuing the war northward, toward
the border with what were the Central Asian Soviet republics.
This is the hideous face of counter-revolution. Afghanistan has been dragged
back more than 100 years. But it was the most modern weapons and
communications systems, made in the USA, that killed the progressive dream
of a generation of Afghani social revolutionaries.

Macdonald Stainsby
Rad-Green List: Radical anti-capitalist environmental discussion.
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