17 September 2001

To the Palestinian people:

The end of the first year of Al-Aqsa Intifada is fast approaching. This
year has been filled with tremendous sacrifice that you have borne so
selflessly -- over 700 people have been killed and over 16,500 injured. You
have chosen the path of resistance and steadfastness because it is you who
are longing for freedom and independence.

Our people have already taught an important lesson to the Zionist enemy.
The Palestinian people will persevere in their active resistance and
continue to inflict severe losses on the Zionists. We have declared loudly
and clearly: the rockets and the tanks will not lead us to surrender. The
struggle for freedom and independence has begun and there is no turning back
until victory is won.

Despite the international circumstances that followed the tragic incidents
in New York and Washington, and despite the US attempt to exploit the
tremendous loss of civilians and property, the US is trying to mobilize the
international community to increase its hegemony and its aggressive role
against the peoples of the world, especially those who are fighting for
freedom, democracy, and national liberation. The same atmosphere has been
exploited by the Zionist government in order to ensure that it continue its
denial of the national rights of the Palestinian people and continue its
brutal occupation of Palestinian land. The Zionists have done their best to
deceive the world into believing that the legitimate Palestinian resistance
movement is a terrorist movement. Israel has increased its military actions
against the Palestinian people. It invaded the city of Jenin and followed
with the systematic invasion of many other Palestinian cities and towns. It
is clear that Israel has used this opportunity, as the worldıs attention is
diverted toward New York and Washington, to commit more and more atrocities
against the Palestinian people. Our steadfastness and readiness to defend
our homeland, however, will never waver, even as we know that the Zionist
occupation will continue in its futile efforts to humiliate us and force us
to surrender. Considering this reality, and recognizing the planned
response of the international community and its implications for the Arab
World in general, and the Palestinian cause, in particular, the PFLP
declares the following:
1.    The events in New York and Washington, DC, are a product of the
universal inconsistencies that were summarized by the Durban Conference
against Racism and Discrimination ­ in particular, the policy of
discrimination that increased during the era of globalization and to the
hostile policy of the USA toward the peoples and their rights. The
international response should be based on drafting policies that would bring
peoples closer together and lead to the abolition of all forms of hegemony
and slavery and racial discrimination. This international response should
lead back to using the international conventions as tools to approve and
realize these new policies outside a uni-polar system that determines the
fate of the people.
2.    At the time when the world is asking for counter-terrorism, we call on
all countries, especially those with permanent status in the Security
Council, to take immediate measures to implement an international protection
plan for our people who are being subjected to a vicious cycle of killing,
destruction of homes and infrastructure, uprooting of trees, and bulldozing
of lands. This is part of a systematic policy of state terrorism that
Sharon and his government are implementing.
3.    We call on the Arab Nation not to participate in international
alliances under the American slogan of ³counter-terrorism² which do not
differentiate between terrorism and the legitimate right of the people for
self-determination. This is of critical importance so that such policies
are not used to subdue popular movements for freedom and independence and
ultimately lead to a complete imperialist hegemony over the fate of entire
4.    We call on the Palestinian people to unite behind the continuous
resistance movement and the Intifada until we gain our legitimate rights.
We are aware that the present circumstances are not on our side and will
consequently delay our struggle, but it will not stop us as long as we
strengthen our will and our readiness and our determination to gain our
national rights.
5.    We call on the Palestinian Liberation Organization and the National
Authority to hasten their response to the call of the Palestinian national
forces. This is a call to ensure a wide-based democracy where the masses
can participate more actively in political decision-making. We warn the PLO
and the PA not to go back to partial and interim negotiations but to demand
an end to the occupation in all its forms. We call on the Palestinian
Authority and the PLO to reorganize the internal Palestinian agenda and
redraw the administrative, financial, and political priorities in accordance
with the option of the Intifada and the resistance movement. We call on the
PLO and the Authority to aid in strengthening popular steadfastness, to
enhance the role of the emergency committees, and to make available all
resources to thwart the Zionist program of brutality.

The Palestinian resistance movement and the Intifada should continue until
the occupation is brought to an end and the rights of our people ­ freedom,
independence and the return of refugees ­ are realized.

Macdonald Stainsby
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In the contradiction lies the hope.
                                     --Bertholt Brecht

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