Rally & March against the WAR

Rally on Saturday, September 29, from 1:00 p.m. at 15th Ave. and High 
St. in Columbus, OH
March at 2:00 p.m. to Oppose Racist Attacks in the Community.

An ad-hoc coalition to oppose racism, war, and the loss of civil 
rights and liberties has been formed in Columbus united around these 
three points:

1) End all Discrimination against Muslims, Arab Americans, Sikhs, and 
other international residents by both the state and people.  We 
oppose scapegoating and racist attacks on all people.

2) Defend Civil Rights and Liberties.  We will not sacrifice our 
right to speak, travel, dissent, associate, organize, and protest in 
the face of any attacks.

3) Oppose any military retaliation.  We seek to end the cycle of 
violence that makes targets of all the world's people.

For more information contact: 614-252-9255 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sponsored by: Committee for Justice in Palestine, Columbus Campaign 
for Arms Control, Columbus Anti-Racist Action, Student International 
Forum, Students for Sensible Drug Policy

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