September 14, 2001

The Bill Comes Due

By Gerald Horne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Some economists have argued that what has made the fabled
U.S. economy what it is today is easy credit: buy now, pay

In light of the tragic and horrendous events of 11
September, it is also possible to say that this kind of
philosophy sheds light on this terrible tragedy.

For amidst the hour piled upon hour of bloviating and
commentary on radio and t.v., one stubborn fact has gone
unnoticed: those who are being accused of perpetrating this
crime, e.g. the Saudi, Osama bin Laden, were not only among
the closest allies of the U.S., but -- as well -- were
essential to the prior historical epoch, the Cold War, that
the events of 9-11 are destined to replace.

These "allies" were relied on heavily but that reliance has
come with a price and the time may be nigh to pay. The famed
actor and director, Orson Welles, put it best when seeking
to explain why organized crime plays such a large role in
the entertainment industry (yet another subject that has
evaded the attention of so many of our contemporary
analysts): "A group of [moguls] finance a group of gangsters
to break trade unionism, to check the threat of Socialism,
the 'menace' of Communism or the possibility of
democracy.....When the gangsters succeed at what they are
paid to do, they turn on the men who paid them....[The]
puppet masters find their creatures taking on a terrible
life of their own."

For during the 1980s the U.S. participated in the largest
'covert' operation of its history -- perhaps of all time --
the destabilization of the left-led regime in Afghanistan, a
regime bolstered by the then USSR. As Dan Rather is beamed
into living rooms nationally, pontificating about the
horrors of these bombings, I wonder if he recalls when he
was smuggled into Afghanistan to broadcast hyperbolically
favorable stories about the same "freedom fighters" who now
-- miraculously -- have become "terrorists"?

As he sheds a tear about the thousands of lives lost in the
U.S., I wonder if Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National
Security Advisor under Jimmy Carter and a major architect of
the Afghan 'covert' action, recalls his being photographed
infamously with these 'freedom fighters' with an assault
weapon in his grubby paws aimed at Kabul?

As is well known, the U.S. helped to recruit tens of
thousands to flock to Afghanistan, particularly recruits
from the Islamic world. Hundreds of millions of dollars were
poured into this effort and it is from this seething
cauldron of conflict that bin Laden arose, not to mention
those who are now destabilzing Algeria and wreaking havoc in
an arc of instability that stretches from North Africa to
the South Pacific.

Sadly, one can count on one hand -- perhaps one finger --
those (particularly among African-Americans) who uttered a
word of opposition to the Afghan 'covert' action as it
unfolded, though those tax dollars would have been better
spent on hunger and homelessness. Most were cowed by the
reigning anticommunism which mandated avid support or
muteness in the face of anything that was deemed

Fundamentally, the U.S. helped to stoke right-wing
nationalism -- including what is called 'Islamic
fundamentalism' and 'Christian militias' -- to undermine not
only left-led regimes but even bourgeois democratic
governments. Recall the pivotal 1980 election that
catapulted Ronald Reagan into the White House. Recall what
former Columbia University Professor, Gary Sick, referred to
as the "October Surprise," i.e. the newly installed
Islamicist regime in Iran supposedly agreed with the GOP
aspirant to delay the release of U.S. hostages in their
country, so as to undermine the candidacy for re-election of
then President Jimmy Carter. Then the hostages were released
as Reagan took his oath of office in January 1981, which
helped to propel the belief that the Iranians were
frightened of retribution from Reagan and this fear prompted
this release; this misbelief was expanded to include the
notion that militants internationally were now afraid of the
big, bad U.S. now that the GOP right had come to office.
This stoked even more chauvinism on these shores.

Then the Reagan Administration and the militant right-wing
clerics in Teheran collaborated to eviscerate jointly the
left-wing Tudeh Party opposition in Teheran, not least
because they were seen as being close to Moscow.

Those who doubt the collaboration between right-wing
nationalism and the U.S. should re-examine the now forgotten
'Iran-Contra' scandal, an elaborate scheme that involved the
U.S. simultaneously sending millions to Iran, while passing
on tens of millions of dollars in arms to the hated
"contras" in Nicaragua in an attempt to destroy the
Sandinista government.

Hence, if George W. Bush carries through with his stated
desire to wage war on those who helped to boost his party
into power, he will find shortly he will have to reconfigure
the GOP -- not to mention some of his erstwhile allies. The
pundits are correct that added pressure will be placed on
Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, the seedbed of right-wing
nationalism in the Islamic world, but this can only serve to
assist those who Washington has pledged to strangle --
leftist opposition forces in these unstable nations.

Israel may receive a short term boost from these events as
more understanding may be shown in Washington for its
struggle against Palestinians. But in the long run many in
the US will come to recognize that Israel's flouting of U.N.
Resolutions concerning Palestine is no more than a breeding
ground for frustration and anger -- and recruits into the
armies of militant right-wing nationalism.

China, which worked hand in glove with the US in
Afghanistan, Southern Africa and other hotspots, is trapped
in a contradiction of its own making. So-called 'Islamic
fundamentalism' has found something of a welcome in restive
Western China, which has been targeted by Beijing for
massive new investment and development; of course, this
'fundamentalism' was nurtured by China's anti-Soviet
maneurvers in Afghanistan. Now China is tempted to continue
its relations with the medievalist Taliban in Kabul --
supposedly a new development deal was just inked with this
odious regime -- if only to keep Washington focused on
anything besides China itself.

The U.S. ruling elite to this very day is continuing its
disastrous romance with right-wing nationalism. In the
southeastern nation of Malaysia -- one of the Cuba's closest
friends and a prime granter of development aid in Southern
Africa -- Washington is now covertly backing the so-called
'Islamic Fundamentalist' forces of PAS against the
progressive nationalism of Prime Minister Mahatir Mohammed.
In Central Asia, Washington's policy of detaching Tajikistan
and Uzbekistan from the orbit of Russia -- a policy that is
a holdover from the Cold War -- again only serves to assist
the forces of right-wing nationalism the US is allegedly now
at war with.

Criticism should also be accompanied by self-criticism and
there's plenty to go around, particularly among
African-Americans where we have our own militant right-wing
nationalist forces, as the event of mid-October 1995
exemplified. Interestingly, these forces only began to
flower in the mid-1950s, coincidentally when progressive
figures like W.E.B. Du Bois, Shirley Graham Du Bois and Paul
Robeson were coming under fierce attack in a global pattern
that mimics what has occurred in Afghanistan, Nicaragua,
Iran and elsewhere. As we bask in the justifiable after-glow
of our historic participation in the Durban anti-racism
conference, we should ask ourselves why our participation in
the prior two U.N. sponsored anti-racism conferences was so
sparse, though the question of apartheid and hatred of
Africans was much more at center-stage then than at this
year's gathering.

That issue set aside, it is clear that Black support for the
Democratic Party should also be reassessed, as this party --
according to the 14 September NEW YORK TIMES -- is about to
take a dive and back the White House's unworkable 'National
Missile Defense' scheme to the tune of billions of dollars,
though the assault of the World Trade Center shows this
scheme is not only lacking in feasibility but is also not
practical. Many Blacks and many in labor too back the
Democrats on the grounds that they are blocking the rise of
the right; but as the Democrats vote in Congress to give
Bush a virtual blank check to fight an ill-defined
'terrorism' globally, it is apparent that the Democrats do
not block the rise of the right -- they meekly enable it.

The events of 11 September involved some of the most
significant bloodletting on these shores since the battle of
Antietam during the Civil War. Then, the question was
whether this nation could exist "half-slave" and "half
free". The U.S. has encouraged fascist like practices
globally (recall that 11 September also marks the
anniversary of the US sponsored overthrow of the socialist
Allende regime in Chile and its replacement by the fascist
Pinochet), while seeking to maintain bourgeois democracy at
home -- with an unhealthy dose of quasi-fascist practices
directed at "minorities". It is now clear that this approach
may no longer be tenable: the pundits are correct, the page
of history has turned but not necessarily in the way they
describe. The crackdown on civil liberties augured by the
events of 11 September not only show once again how militant
right-wing nationalism continues to replicate itself like an
out-of-control computer virus but, also, the old practice
with which some had become so comfortable -- bourgeois
democracy at home coupled with quasi-fascist practices
against 'minorities' and outright fascism abroad -- may now
be untenable.

In the meantime a key task of progressives is to frontally
assault the rising tidal wave of persecution against
Arab-Americans: this has become an important frontline in
the struggle against this latest iteration of a "New World
Order". This targeting of Muslims and Arab-Americans has
grave implications for all those concerned with 'racial
profiling.' Yet, no progress will be made on any front until
we recognize the symbiotic relationship that has existed to
this point between militant right-wing nationalism globally
and the GOP. Whether this tragedy of 11 September was
perpetrated by the 'venture capitalist' of right-wing Islam,
bin Laden or 'Christian militias' or even the Israelis (a
recent charge by the Iranian clerics), it all stems from the
same source: U.S. nurturing right-wing nationalism, at home
and abroad.

The bill has come due, the times of easy credit are drying
up, it is time to pay.

Copyright (c) 2001 Gerald Horne. All Rights Reserved.

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