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ML Update

A CPI (ML) Weekly News Magazine

Vol.-4; No.-39; 26-9-2001

No Indian Lubricant for the US War Machine

The moment the Bush administration described the September 11 terrorist
strikes on New York and Washington as acts of war and declared Osama Bin
Laden as the prime suspect, it was clear that the US was desperate to push
the world into what it calls the first war of the new century. Washington
has not yet revealed its war plans except saying that the war would be
protracted and many-sided. It however appears that much of the war would be
fought through covert operations and by propping up forces like the rag-tag
Northern Alliance in Afghanistan.

President Bush has identified his war target as Osama, "dead or alive". But
the real target goes far beyond the frail-looking Saudi terrorist. As they
say, if there were no Osama the US would have invented one. And in any case,
Washington's has been the biggest contribution to the creation of the
phenomenon called Osama. In the 1980s, the US had promoted the predecessors
of today's Talibans to push back the Soviets from the Afghan soil. As the
former US Secretary of State, Zbigniew Brezinski put it with characteristic
arrogance, 'What was more important in the world view of history? The
Taliban or the fall of the Soviet Empire? A few stirred-up Muslims or the
liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War?'

In the name of getting Osama, today the US is actually trying to topple the
Taliban regime and instal a pliant and puppet government in Afghanistan. If
defeating the Soviet Union in the Cold War was the American priority in the
1980s, today the focus has shifted against China and the Islamic powers, and
that explains the renewed American obsession with Afghanistan. But
Afghanistan has historically proved to be a most difficult terrain for
invaders. America recognizes that only too well and that is why it wants to
prop up anti-Taliban forces within Afghanistan while cutting off the support
and legitimacy the Taliban regime had been getting so far from countries
like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and UAE.

The result may ironically prove to be very different. While the Taliban
regime is preparing for a protracted war of resistance, there is a distinct
surge of popular sympathy in Pakistan for the besieged Talibans. The
arm-twisting of Pakistan into the war against Afghanistan has enraged the
entire public opinion in the country and resentment is snowballing against
the fragile ruling equilibrium. The US of course has assured General
Musharraf of all support against any threat of destabilization.

Either way, developments in the region, especially in Pakistan, would seem
to mark a sudden end of the road for the India's saffron foreign policy of
blind pro-Americanism. Whether Pakistan gets Talibanised or Musharraf is
able to save and consolidate his position as a US-backed dictator, the
saffron pipe dream of securing American support against Pakistan cannot be
prevented from turning into a nightmare. Vajpayee may stoop to any level and
announce any number of economic, political and military concessions for his
American masters, but he cannot 'conquer' any bigger 'rewards' than the
'consolation' of the lifting of US sanctions or an occasional mention of
'terrorism in Kashmir' in some Collin Powell interview or 'denial' by
sources in the White House of any possible American preference to Pakistan
over India!

The choice before the Indian people is very clear. We cannot afford a
US-imposed war so close to our borders. We cannot afford the stupid saffron
policy of pro-Americanism. By opposing Bush's war and Vajpayee's 'appease
Bush' policy with all our might, we can, of course, defend our national
dignity and save ourselves from the staggering cost of both war and
terrorism. And we will certainly not be alone in opposing this unjust war.
In spite of the global corporate media's tremendous fancy for war, voices of
peace are beginning to be heard from all corners of the world. The awakened
world opinion against the disaster wrought in the name of globalisation has
started confronting the ugly reality of imperialism and war. If ever there
was any confusion that globalisation was all about technology, trade and
finance, and that behind the mask of technology it lacked a definite face,
the time has come to give all such confusion a decent burial. The ugly but
thoroughly recognisable face of war-crazy imperialism is once again peeping
out from behind the mask of high technology, free trade and big finance and
everywhere the people are boldly standing up against the sordid war games of
US imperialism. Strengthening this global campaign against war is an urgent
task for every Indian fighter for genuine freedom and democracy.

CPI(ML) Launches Nationwide 'Anti-War Campaign'

On 24 September, CPI(ML) launched a nationwide "Ani-War Campaign" by
organising an "Anti-war people's march" in Kolkata. The campaign will
culminate on 29 September with anti-war march in Delhi. Similar marches will
be organised in Patna and elsewhere on 26 September. On 29 September,
marches will also be organised in other cities.

CPI(ML) has appealed to all peace-loving patriotic and democratic forces and
citizens to join these marches at different centres and oppose Bush
administration's war frenzy and attempts to embroil world peace. The Party
has called upon the people to reject and resist Vajpayee government's
saffron course of surrender to the US.

The Party expressed solidarity with the ani-war demonstrations and
agitations developing in a number of cities in the United States and in
several centres of Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, Australia,
Phillipines, Indonesia, Bangladesh and other countries.

The Party condemned the US President's statement asking people to either
side with United States or join the terrorists, describing it a statement of
imperialist arrogance. Party said, "People all over the world know enough of
US imperialist terrorism. They cannot forget millions of innocent lives
killed in most uncivilised operations by the US." Further condemning Bush
for declaring that "the war against terrorism includes Jammu and Kashmir",
Party said that the US intervention on Kashmir, in any form, will further
aggravate the situation and have disastrous implications for domestic
situation in India and Vajpayee Govt. must not be allowed to settle with the

A Trick of Convening "RJD Rally" at Govt. Expense

CPI(ML) holds that the government sponsored congregation of panchayat
representatives from gram panchayat to district council level, to be held on
2 October at Patna, is in fact a "RJD rally" convened at public expense.
Expending more than Rs 5 crore on this exercise is the height of
wastefulness and arbitrary use of power. It is to be noted that every
participant in this congregation would get Rs 100 per day plus allowance for
food as well as other facilities. At a time when Bihar is reeling under the
spate of flood and drought, this banquet at Laloo's court is a cruel joke
played at the poor people of Bihar.

Party said that it is because of RJD's class unity with NDA that dalits and
women were deprived of reservation for the posts of district council
chairperson, vice-chairperson, block pramukh, deputy block pramukh and
mukhiya in the recently elections. This further ensured domination of feudal
elements, criminals and mafia on 80 per cent of these posts. Party also
criticised the government for the decree by which the right to sack elected
panchayat representatives has been handed over to bureaucracy.

Police Atrocity Resisted in Patna

Hundreds of local people blocked traffic at Beldarichak village on
Patna-Masaurhi Road on 16 September to protest police assault on an egg
peddler who had asked them to pay for eggs. The protest was led by Com.
Nageshwar Paswan, member of Patna District Committee. In a short while force
from fours police stations (Gaurichak, Punpun, Dhanarua and Masaurhi)
reached the spot and conducted lathicharge, injuring a dozen of people. Com.
Nageshwar Paswan was arrested and brought to Gaurichak PS where he was badly
beaten. He was sent to jail before people could assemble to gherao the PS.
In protest to the whole affair, Patna District Committee of CPI(ML) declared
to observe 17 September as protest day. Protest marches were held at various
centres in Patna district, in which thousands of people participated. Street
corner meetings were also held. Com. Nageshwar and others' immediate and
unconditional release; as well as suspension of guilty officials was

Dharna at Ambedkar Nagar in UP

The Ambedkar Nagar unit of CPI(ML) staged a well-attended dharna led by
Party's State Committee member Madan Singh at the Collectorate on 18
September to protest the killing of a dalit Ram Kewalof Bankegaon Terhwa
village under Akbarpur PS of the district. Party demanded arrest of the
killers and stern action against the guilty policemen, who turned a deaf ear
to his request for security against possible attack by feudal lords of the
village. There was a dispute over procession of a gram sabha land. As a
consequence, Ram Kewal was murdered by the feudal goons in cold blood on 8

Dharna by AICCTU in UP

The trade unions affiliated to AICCTU staged dharna in Kanpur, Raibareilly
and other places of the state to protest against anti-worker policies of
BJP-led government. AICCTU State Secy. Ramesh Singh Sengar and trade union
leader Vijay Vidrohi led the dharna in Kanpur and Raibareilly respectively.
The AICCTU, in pursuance of its various demands, has given a call to
demonstrate before the Assembly on 27 September. On the same date AISA and
RYA are going to stage a dharna before Assembly to put forth their demands
relating to employment, fee hike, etc. and to decry the American war cry.

Workers' Procession in Pondicherry

On 15 September, 750 workers staged a procession starting from Industrial
Estate, Mettupalayam and proceeded to the Collector's office. Focusing (i)
implementation of minimum wages act with a minimum of Rs 2,600 per month
plus DA; (ii) opposing the interference from hooligans and henchmen deployed
by the industrialists to disrupt the legitimate trade union activities.

The procession and mass meeting was led by Balasubramiam, president of
AICCTU, Pondicherry, vice president, All-India Hindustan Lever Employees
Federation. Com. AS Kumar, vice president AICCTU, Banu, AIPWA National
Council member, GA Jagannathan, CPI(ML) and leaders of various other mass
organisations addressed the workers.

Demolition Drive to be Resisted in Kolkata

The Left Front Govt. has adopted an adamant stand and ordered to evict the
residents of Tolly Nullah in Kolkata before the demolition dateline of 22
September. No rehabilitation scheme has been proposed so far. The "welfare"
govt. has increased the eviction transport allowance per family by Rs. 500
to Rs. 2000. Residents however have refused it. Along with the Kolkata
Municipal Corporation Chairman Subrata Mukherjee of Trinamool, the man
enthusiastically leading the demolition operation is CPI(M) minister for
urban development, Mr. Ashoke Bhattacharya.

CPI(M) has brushed aside even the opinion of other LF partners. The RSP, the
CPI and the Forward Bloc have openly opposed the eviction drive without
rehabilitation as anti-poor measures. Now, Trinamool chief Mamata Banerjee
has also declared her opposition to the eviction attempts. The government
has deployed RAF and increased the strength of the concerned police stations
with reinforcements. The Anti-eviction Jukta Morcha is not ready to succumb
to the government’s threat and it has prepared to put up a powerful
resistance. On 19th September a relay hunger-strike was observed at
Rashbehari Avenue and on 20th September a series of processions covered the
whole length of Tolly’s Nullah running up to 18 KM. A 7-member delegation
led by, among others, convener Arijit Mitra and Prabir Das, Shaktiman Ghosh,
SUCI MLA Debaprasad Sarkar met urban development minister Mr. Ashoke
Bhattacharya and urged him not to proceed with the eviction operation. They
also cautioned the minister that people will not let go their eviction
attempts un-resisted, and in case there is bloodshed the government will
have to bear full responsibility.

Gate in Memory of Martyr

Com. Kishor Sahni was killed in police firing in Bochaha block of
Muzaffarpur while leading an agitation. In his memory, Kishor Sahni Gate was
erected at Bochaha. It was inaugurated by Com. KD Yadav, CC member, on 23
September. At the same place district level Kisan Sabha conference started
on the same day, attended by 1,000 people.

Fight Racist Attacks, Say No to War!

(Excerpts from South Asia Solidarity Group's Statement issued on Sep. 20,
2001 )

We in South Asia Solidarity Group would like to express our deepest
sympathies with the families and friends of all those who have died and been
injured as a result of the attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York on
Tuesday 11th September. We condemn those responsible for these horrific

However we believe that it is important not to simply react but to ask the
question why. Why does the US attract such intense hostility? How have these
‘terrorists’ been created? What will a ‘war on terrorism’ mean for ordinary
people? What are the experiences of Muslims in Britain?

While we condemn the attacks of September 11 we also cannot forget the many
thousands of innocent civilians killed by American bombing of Iraq, or in
the U.S-backed massacres in Palestinian refugee camps and destruction of
Palestinian villages. And we cannot close our eyes to the fact that when
George Bush talks of ‘Operation Infinite Justice’ today, he means the
infinite killing of thousands more innocent people in Afghanistan and

The reality is that the policies of the U.S. government in both the Middle
East and Central Asia - as elsewhere in the world have had nothing to do
with democracy and everything to do with furthering its own economic and
strategic interests. The U.S. has installed, backed and sustained a whole
range of repressive and anti-democratic rulers including the Taliban....

America’s arm-twisting of the authoritarian Pakistani government to join the
U.S.-led ‘alliance’ in the face of massive popular opposition in Pakistan...
Pakistan... is now being made an offer of aid and debt rescheduling it can’t
refuse. This is a stark illustration of how, in a so-called ‘free market’
world, the institutions of global capital are used to coerce Third World
states into supporting Western strategic and military goals, at a huge cost
to their own people.

Meanwhile the pro-U.S, pro-globalisation Hindu fascist parties leading India
’s government are competing with Pakistan to offer all possible help to Bush
’s project of destruction. At the same time they are intensifying communal
attacks on India’s own Muslim and Christian minorities and using the ‘war on
terrorism’ to legitimise even greater repression in Kashmir and elsewhere.

Oppose imperialism and state racism!; Fight racist attacks; Say NO to War!

A Call to Join a New Anti-War Coalition: International A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now
to Stop War & End Racism)

Please join us in signing this call: Our most heartfelt sympathies and
condolences are with all those whose loved ones were lost or injured on
September 11, 2001. At this moment, we would all like to take time to
reflect, to grieve, to extend sympathy and condolences to all. But we
believe that we must do more. We must act now. We are assembling
International A.N.S.W.E.R. to call for worldwide rallies against war and
racism. On September 29, there will be a national march and rally at the
White House in Washington DC, as well as marches on the West Coast of the
U.S. and around the world. We call on all people of conscience and
progressive organizations to take up this call and organize rallies around
the world.

While at this moment thousands of families are in mourning for the death and
injuries of loved ones, the Bush administration is taking advantage of the
tragic human toll to strengthen the forces of repression while intensifying
the Pentagon’s war drive, especially in the Middle East.... Now is the time
for all people of conscience, all people who oppose racism and war to come
together. If you believe in civil liberties and oppose racism and war, join
us on September 29 in Lafayette Park. We urge all organizations to join
together at this critical time.

A Message from the International Action Center

On September 29 we had planned to demonstrate against the Bush
administration’s reactionary foreign and domestic policy and the IMF and
World Bank. In light of the current crisis, with its tragic consequences for
so many thousands of people, we have refocused the call for our
demonstration to address the immediate danger posed by racism and the grave
threat of a new war.


Say 'No' to the Killer American War Machine on Indian Soil!

Bush Must Stop the Conspiracy to Kill People!

Vajpayee Must Desist from Joining Imperialist War of Aggression

September 29

10 a.m.


Anti-War People's March

>From Mandi House to Parliament

Anti-War Protests Worldwide!


Countries that USA has bombed since the end of World War II:

China 1945-46
Korea 1950-53
China 1950-53
Guatemala 1954
Indonesia 1958
Cuba 1959-60
Guatemala 1960
Congo 1964
Peru 1965
Laos 1964-73
Vietnam 1961-73
Cambodia 1969-70
Guatemala 1967-69
Grenada 1983
Libya 1986
El Salvador 1980s
Nicaragua 1980s
Panama 1989
Iraq 1991-99
Sudan 1998
Afghanistan 1998
Yugoslavia 1999


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