>From Marxiste Libanaise [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Statement of Arab Communist and Workers Parties

Humanity in various continents and countries received with utmost
condemnation the suicidal attacks in New York and Washington. For as much as
these attacks spread fear, horror and a state of deep frustration inside
America, they also created an atmosphere of anger and condemnation outside
it because of the thousands of innocent people who fell victim to this
But condemnation does not mean refusing to view this terrorist act in its
reality, as being in one main aspect a bitter outcome of American policy
itself. On the other side, it is a consequence of the tremendous resentment
and anger which have been escalating all over the world, against injustice,
oppression, exploitation and recklessness towards human beings and people;
as well as against growing poverty and misery throughout the world.
 The US administration's reaction to this event and its subsequent acts have
indicated elements of confusion, arrogance and lack of rationality. It
considered what happened the beginning of a new kind of war which the force
of evil have declared against the forces of good, and pledged to wage a
long-term crusade until it achieves victory. It called upon states of the
world to join an alliance with it against terror and against states and
centres which harbour terrorists and offer them assistance. All this without
arriving at a clear specification with regard to responsibilities. Its
behaviour has thus become close to settling scores with all its opponents,
employing the suicidal attack itself as means to proceed with the same
policies, i.e. the policy of control over the world and subjecting it to
American interests to the exclusion of others.
The US administration is therefore deliberately ignoring the real factors
which led to this catastrophe, first and foremost the policy of
impoverishing nations and plundering their wealth, obstructing the
institutions of international legitimacy, supporting the Israeli wrongdoing
at the expense of Palestinian rightness, and the arrogance of power and
attempts at hegemony and exclusivity. Here lies evil and the source of
reactions to it. The biggest example on this are the acts of blackmail and
crimes committed by the government of the world criminal Ariel Sharon, using
the attacks in the US as a pretext, claiming that its aggression against the
Palestinian people represents its own contribution against terror.
This complex situation requires that all honest people in the world work
hard for the rejection of these American aims, and support the idea of
convening an international conference within the framework of the United
Nations, which has been called for by Syria and is currently adopted by
Egypt and other countries. Such a conference can, based on the recent events
and earlier ones, put forward a comprehensive definition of international
terror which makes a distinction between it and legitimate acts of
resistance. Only then can an international alliance be established against
terror after reaching agreement on its definition, forces and instruments.
This alliance will definitely be under the supervision of the UN and its
exclusive responsibility.

The danger that US action might beyond reacting to the perpetrators of the
attacks, raise the need for utmost vigilance on the Arab level, in defence
of Arab interests in general and the Palestinian people in particular.
The United States and the world will continue to be exposed to terror as
long as the current policies of Washington remain, and as long as injustice,
aggression and usurpation continue; until the dawn of a new world order in
which justice, harmony and equality prevail among peoples.

Jordanian Communist Party           Syrian Communist Party
Iraqi Communist Party                     Lebanese Communist Party
Sudanese Communist Party            Egyptian Communist Party
Palestinian People's Party


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