New York Times. 3 October 2001. Powell Says U.S. Had Signs, but Not
Clear Ones, of a Plot. Excerpts.

WASHINGTON -- Secretary of State Colin L. Powell said today that the
Bush administration had received a "lot of signs" that terrorists were
planning attacks against the United States but extensive efforts by
intelligence agencies failed to pick up enough information to stop the
Sept. 11 attacks on New York and Washington.

Early this summer "there were a lot of signs that there was something
going on," Secretary Powell said. "But we never got the fidelity and the
information that we would have liked to, some warning of what did
actually happen."

In looking back today in an interview in his State Department suite,
Secretary Powell expressed frustration that, despite a summer of
warnings of possible terrorist actions against American civilian and
military sites around the world, the information was not sufficient to
identify the specific targets that were struck last month. "The
intelligence agencies were trying," he said. "We were watchful
throughout all of our embassy systems."

Mr. Powell praised George Tenet, the director of central intelligence, a
holdover from the Clinton administration. The House Permanent Select
Committee on Intelligence is urging far-reaching changes in intelligence
operations and an independent investigation into why the government did
not foresee or prevent the Sept. 11 attacks.

While he was generally upbeat in his accounting of the progress so far
in the global campaign against terror, he made it clear that the
administration was still at the early stages of winning full cooperation
from allied and other nations.

Secretary Powell insisted that the administration is demonstrating to
allies and moderate Arab governments that the case against Osama bin
Laden and his network is convincing.

He asserted that "all paths" lead to Mr. bin Laden and his Al Qaeda
network, although he cautioned not to see it in terms of a case "that's
going to trial in a court."

Instead, administration officials have been briefing allies on what he
called "pretty good information" establishing the link between the
airplane hijackers and Mr. bin Laden.

While the administration has not made any documents public, as General
Powell suggested that it might 10 days ago, he said today that "over
time enough information would surface" to convince the American people.

Secretary Powell also touched, gingerly, on the political future of
Afghanistan. Despite a policy statement from the Bush administration
last week stating that the Taliban does not represent the Afghan people,
General Powell stopped well short of saying that the overthrow of the
hard-line Islamic government is an explicit goal.

Addressing the possibilty that the Taliban might not survive the coming
confrontation, Secretary Powell said he hoped for the emergence of a new
government that would be "representative" of the many ethnic groups that
make up the Afghan people.

Asked how he would define victory in the long campaign ahead, Secretary
Powell gave a broad and ambitious definition -- one that centered more
on how Americans felt than any specific military victory.

"I see the success of this campaign being measured in the restoration of
a degree of security in society, where people are not as frightened as
they are now," he said.

President Bush has often said many victories would arise from covert
operations, never seen by the American people. But Secretary Powell
said: "Even covert activities eventually produce visible results."

The intelligence warnings about terrorist attacks that Secretary Powell
discussed today were received during the spring and summer, particularly
before the Fourth of July and the summit meeting of industrialized
nations in Genoa, Italy, that month.

In June and early July, United States intelligence officials warned that
Mr. bin Laden and Al Qaeda appeared to be planning terrorist attacks
against American interests. Those warnings prompted public alerts by the
administration of possible terrorist attacks timed for the Fourth of
July holidays.

When no attacks occurred around July 4, American intelligence officials
began to assume that the immediate threat had passed.

In retrospect, some American officials say that their focus on that
holiday may have been a misreading of the information they had received.

Macdonald Stainsby
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