>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/17/01 05:35PM >>>

and it doesn't mean talking to them about CIA
connections with all of this.


CB: This is not quite true in this case, because of the major role of the CIA in 
Afghanistan supporting the precursors to the Taliban government and , evidently, bin 
Laden directly. The "blowback" aspect of this is important in speaking to people.

Also, it is not clear that some of the anthrax might not becoming from U.S. spooks, 
who are trying to keep shit going on. For example, they don't admit that the U.S. 
manufactures biological weapons and keep claiming that only several other countries 
do. I believe it is only the U.S.that has not signed the treaty against biological 

The initial event of September 11 may not have been a super twisted conspiracy ( it 
was a conspiracy), but some of the various events in its wake may be U.S. spooks 
acting under its cover. It is never correct to take off our spy analysis hat. Yes, I 
know , we have a lot of work to do.

The general principle of not analysing anything in terms of socalled conspiracy 
theories is not a Marxist idea. Please show me a reference where Lenin says such. 

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