Let me, as a German,make some hints towhat this may mean.
1. it seems to me that the Germans (I don't mean the governement) are definitely 
not on the war path. A majority might think that something has to be done abpout 
the bad guys, but they have more or less strong doubts whether what the 
US-government is doing will have any positive effects.On the whole there is a 
lot of Germans even - or particularily - among the more conservative ones who 
for nationalist reasons (and the feeling of the superiority of the European 
culture ovewr US-'McDonald'-culture) are not very fond of the USA at all.
2. As concerns the Berlin elections they cannot easily be taken as an example 
for the rest of Germany
a) they came in the wake of a big financial scandal which had involved the CDU 
city government. The CDU therefore got the worst result since 1948
b) the PDS's major gains were made in East Berlin.Since this is the capital of 
former GDR it means that the PDS collected both the votes of all those who are 
put off by the results of 10 years of 'reunification' and of the former 
SED-bureaucracy which is of course centered in and around Berlin. ITäs important 
to know e.g. that the most industrialized part of the former GDR, Saxonia, is 
governed by the CDU which was voted in after reunification by a working class 
disillusioned by 'socialism' and the SED as a party claiming to rule in its 
c) the PDS has also augmented its share in West Berlin, and this might in fact 
be partially due to its anti-war position. It should however be noted that as 
far as the leading PDS cadres and in particular Georg Gysie are concerned their 
anti-war position is questionable, most of all by the fact of course that 
they're hell bound to ally with the SPD not only locally but in the federal 
government as well. As is well known the SPD since 1914 is a imperialist war 
party. I think the results of the vote will be that the PDS will go further to 
the right (i.e. as close as it can to the SPD). This might be a good thing since 
it shatters all the unfounded illusions of the scattered leftist in this new 
reformist party. It will again prove that reformism in the end is not a 
uznsufficient step in the right direction but counterrevolutionary.
A. Holberg

Partha Bhattacharya schrieb:
> Comrades
> I am little confused about the election results in
> BErlin in which PDS with a very definite anti war
> stand gained tremendously even in the west part of the
> city. Does that suggest that the Germans are against
> this war?
> Partha
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