I am only a student attorney but I wonder how wrongful death suits would go 
when we can prove that the CIA funds terrorist groups and allows drugs into 
the US.  Maybe the families of bin Laden's, or the Taliban's, or or the 
KLA's, Norreiga's, etc. victims could sue for wrongful death.  How would US 
juries treat an organization which recruits killers, equips them, trains 
them, and covers up for them?  In California we could press criminal charges 
under proposition 21 the anti-gang initiative.  Sounds like a gang to me.  A 
party to a conspiracy is often found quilty of all the forseeable acts of 
wheel or chain conspiracy.  When was George Sr. the head of the CIA?
Of course, if George W. lived in California he could be prosecuted under our 
three strikes law.  Let us see:  drunk driving (each instance is a strike), 
cocaine use,  and election fraud.  (We know, however, that only the poor and 
persons of color are prosectuted under this law.)  George W. never finished 
his stateside tour in the National Guard during Viet Nam (gosh, my cousin had 
to actually go to Viet Nam).   Desertion is a federal crime and the penalty 
is firing squad.  The US had no trouble executing the working class Private  
Maybe we can prosecute George W. because he might have know about his 
brother, Neal's participation in the savings and loan scandal which the 
taxpayers had to pay for.

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