If the US government was sincere about protecting American lives it would:
set up a free health care system for everyone as having most folks uninsured 
or underinsured for health care is asking for epidemics e.g. a resurgence of 
childhood diseases like whooping cough and measles,
(We just had a case of the human type "mad cow" disease in Sacramento, of 
course the beef industry is not a threat to our health, correct?)
do real security at airports and public buildings,
(We traded minimum wage, undertrained security guards for underpaid, 
undertrained National Guards who recently detained a local journalist and 
destroyed his pictures.)
quit acting is such a way to legitimately anger folks around the world and 
give excuses to terrorists, e.g. funding war on civilians in Israel,    
and cease to recruit, arm and train terrorists and drug dealers.

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