AFP. 8 October 2001. S. African govt makes no comment but others condemn
US strikes.

JOHANNESBURG -- The South African government withheld comment on Monday
on the US and British strikes against Afghanistan but the trade union
movement, the communist party and a Muslim organisation all condemned
the attacks.

"The government remains in touch with the US government and all other
role players... The government will continue to monitor closely these
developments before making a comprehensive statement," Pretoria said in
a statement.

The government earlier urged Washington to exercise restraint in
responding to the September 11 kamikaze attacks on the United States.
"It's important that their focus is not lost and that we are not looking
at war against countries," Foreign Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma said
of the US' declared aim of rooting out terrorism worldwide.

The 1.7-million-strong Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU)
and the South African Communist Party (SACP) -- partners in government
with Mbeki's African National Congress -- both condemned the strikes.

"There is no justification for launching a war against Afghanistan or
any other country. Two wrongs do not make a right," the SACP said.

"It is worrying that the US has hastened to attack Afghanistan without
convincing the world beyond doubt about the culpability of Osama bin
Laden and his crew," said COSATU.

South Africa's National Muslim Coalition said: "We do not accept that
the evidence against Bin Laden was sufficiently convincing to warrant
this attack ... as cowardly as the one on New York."

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Barry Stoller
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