En relación a [L-I] Re: Thousands of Palestinians rally....,
el 11 Oct 01, a las 15:42, Bob Enoch dijo:

> But the
> absence of these threats to bourgeois power in our own times, and the
> absence, therefore, of the specific techniques the "ruling circles" were
> reduced to in order to preserve themselves at home, should not be taken to
> mean that there is any great distance separating our system from fascism.

This by Bob is important. Whenever I read something on the lines above, I am
reminded of Gore Vidal's explanation of what would be an American Fascist
President (the picture fitted with Ronald Reagan like hand in glove, in fact).
I am also reminded of Weinstock et al., who in a book whose title I shamefully
don't remember explained that corporatism (that is, the structural essence of
fascism) was the normal way in which American economy could work.

There are links between Fascism and some of the forms of "nationalism" in the
Third World, however, that are worth thinking about. Since as an Argentinean
serious Marxist I have dedicated a good deal of my life to explain that
Peronism was not Fascist at all, and blah blah blah, perhaps it will sound
amazing to read me saying this. But will expand further.

Fascism as an ideology, as a "cast of mind", is very much alive in the Third
World, only that it is not where good-willed Leftists look after it.

Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky

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