Now more than ever, the United States needs a missile defense. As Baker
Spring notes in our book, "Priorities for the President," the United States
would be helpless if Iran, Iraq or North Korea (all of which have robust
missile programs) lobs just one missile over the ocean toward a U.S. city.
Your generous contribution will help The Heritage Foundation in its effort
to make missile defense a reality. (Please take a moment to review the hard
work our analysts have already put into this issue.)

All gifts to The Heritage Foundation are tax-deductible. Basic Membership is
$25 a year. You will receive our quarterly newsletter, periodic briefings on
critical issues, and the opportunity to participate in opinion surveys on
vital policy debates throughout the year.


Newt Gingrich
Former Speaker of the House and Member
U.S. Commission on National Security in the 21st Century


Edwin Feulner
The Heritage Foundation

On September 11, 2001 most Americans' understanding of national security
radically changed. For the first time in sixty years, America was attacked
on its own soil, and it became clear that the nation's critical
infrastructure must be protected from terrorists. The country must be
prepared to react to nuclear, biological, and chemical attacks from
non-state agents; organized computer attacks against vital networks;
destruction or disruption of critical infrastructure such as power plants;
and attempts to disrupt the U.S. financial system or financial flows. But
while the term "Homeland Defense" has seemingly inserted itself overnight
into the national lexicon, numerous experts in the national security
community have been attempting for years to raise awareness of the need to
prioritize domestic security needs. Only months ago, the U.S. Commission on
National Security in the 21st Century issued its final report calling for
increased security measures on the national homefront. Please join us as
former Commission member and Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich examines the
conclusions of the Commission in light of September 11 and looks forward to
what America must do in the coming months to secure the homeland.

Monday, October 15, 2001
12:00 PM ET
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