> CARACAS, Dec 28 (Reuters)--Venezuelan President Hugo
> > Chavez on
> > Thursday rallied his country's armed forces behind
> > his leftist rule
> > and warned his foes not to "cross the line" by
> > trying to kill him or
> > seeking a military rival to topple him.
> >
> > Speaking to army garrisons in Caracas, the firebrand
> > former
> > paratrooper demanded the allegiance of Venezuela's
> > officers and
> > soldiers to his government and to his
> > self-proclaimed "revolution" in
> > the world's No. 4 oil exporter.
> >
> > Wearing a red paratrooper's beret and camouflage
> > uniform, Chavez
> > assailed the business and labor leaders and
> > political opponents who
> > staged a widely supported national protest strike
> > against him on Dec.
> > 10.
> >
> > "I'm warning them clearly, so they don't make a
> > mistake ... they had
> > better not cross the line," Chavez said. "If they
> > do, they will get
> > what they deserve from the law."
> >
> > Since the strike, the president has noticeably
> > cranked up his
> > revolutionary rhetoric against his opponents and
> > repeatedly rejected
> > opposition calls to suspend his left-leaning
> > reforms.
> >
> > "Ideas about destabilization, about killing Chavez
> > have started
> > springing up again," said the tough-talking
> > president, who himself
> > staged a failed coup in 1992 six years before
> > winning the presidency
> > in a landslide national election.
> >
> > Chavez said it was his duty as "as a
> > comrade-in-arms" to warn the
> > military about plots against him and his government.
> >
> > Those in the armed forces who did not feel fully
> > identified with his
> > "revolution" were free to leave, he added.
> >
> > In a four-hour speech that mixed childhood memories
> > with references
> > to Jesus Christ and Venezuela's 19th century
> > independence hero Simon
> > Bolivar, Chavez said some opponents were thinking of
> > trying to topple
> > him through a military coup.
> >
> > "They need a Pinochet, they are looking for a
> > Pinochet," he added,
> > recalling Chile's ex-dictator Augusto Pinochet who
> > took power in a
> > violent 1973 coup in the South American country that
> > toppled former
> > socialist president Salvador Allende.
> >
> > Chavez did not identify the alleged plotters against
> > him. But he made
> > clear he was referring to those who opposed his
> > government's efforts
> > to apply "revolutionary" reforms covering everything
> > from land and
> > oil to finance and fisheries.
> >
> >
> > The president argued that the disputed reforms,
> > which are also being
> > challenged by his business opponents in the Supreme
> > Court and
> > parliament, were the translation into law of a 1999
> > Constitution
> > which was approved through a national referendum.
> >
> > "The revolution is the same as the constitution ...
> > the
> > counterrevolutionaries are outside the
> > constitution," he said.
> >
> > The disputed reforms include a Lands Law that aims
> > to redistribute
> > idle rural estates to poor peasants and an Oil Law
> > that reasserts
> > state control over the strategic oil industry.
> >
> > Dismissing opinion polls that show his popularity
> > sharply reduced
> > since his 1998 election, the president told officers
> > and soldiers to
> > ignore what he called a "colossal psychological war"
> > being waged
> > against him by opponents through the media.
> >
> > He said his foes were seeking to portray his reforms
> > as an attempt to
> > create a communist state in Venezuela similar to
> > Fidel Castro's Cuba.
> > "This is totally false," he said.
> >
> > The president added his "revolution" was "neither
> > capitalist, nor
> > communist, nor socialist" but "Bolivarian," inspired
> > by nationalist
> > hero Bolivar, who liberated Venezuela and other
> > Latin American states
> > from Spanish colonial rule.
> >
> > "It's a democratic revolution, which foresees a
> > democratic,
> > participative political model and a humanist
> > economic model that
> > mixes the state and the market," Chavez said.
> >
> > His business and labor opponents, who have promised
> > further strikes
> > and protests if their views are not heard, accuse
> > the Venezuelan
> > leader of forcing through by decree a package of 49
> > reform laws
> > without consulting other sectors of society.
> >
> > They argue that these reforms will destroy jobs and
> > investment by
> > penalizing the private sector and increasing state
> > interference in
> > the economy.
> >
> > Citing falling prices for oil, Venezuela's main
> > export, Chavez
> > predicted a tough year for his country in 2002. But
> > he said the
> > economy had still managed to grow this year by 3
> > percent, one of the
> > highest growth rates in Latin America.
> >
> >
> =================================================================
> >
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