The arrest of the KPC terrorists who blew up this bus is of course 
'embarassing' because: 

a) "The UNMIK established the Kosovo Protection Corps"
(see Clinton's Letter to Congress of 16 June 2000 (3)) and

b) the "links between the KPC and organised crime and political violence are 
an open secret in Kosovo" (Telegraph, 28 March 2001 (16)) and therefore 

c) KFOR and UNMIK are responsible for the KPC's murderous attacks. 

KFOR and UNMIK apparently recovered from initial embarrassment. They released 
three of the suspects. The fourth, a certain Florim Ejupi, miraculously 
escaped from detention in Bondsteel, the impenetrable U.S. military base in 

Undoubtedly the detention center guards were 'unprepared' for the escape 
attempt of this latter-day Houdini, which therefore threw the poor things 
'into confusion,' a fact they subsequently found 'highly embarrassing.' 

And of course nobody was arrested for letting Florim Ejupi get away because 
'everyone makes mistakes.' And isn't the humiliation of it all punishment 
enough? (On Florim Ejupi , see Los Angeles Times, 15 May 2001) (17)

Contrary to the 'confusion/lack-of-preparedness/we-can't-be- everywhere 
/we're-just-bumbling-bureaucrats' line which KFOR, UNMIK and the apologist 
media routinely offer to explain the unending reign of terror in Kosovo, the 
U.S. Army's own rules hold KFOR commanders criminally responsible for 
systematic terrorism carried out on their watch: 

"The commander is also responsible if he has actual knowledge, or should have 
knowledge, through reports received by him or through other means, that 
troops or other persons subject to his control are about to commit or have 
committed a war crime and he fails to take the necessary and reasonable steps 
to insure compliance with the law of war or to punish violators thereof.... "
--US Army Field Manual Law of Land Warfare (18)

Holding onto that thought, let us return to the KFOR news release posted at 
the start. It states that based on KFOR's 'soft policy' toward the UCPMB, 450 
terrorists turned themselves in and were subsequently released unless there 
was evidence they had committed a 'serious crime.'

A few thoughts:

1) Newspaper accounts routinely describe the UCPMB 'extremists' attacking 
inner Serbia as local Albanians, driven to rebellion by intolerable 
oppression. But these 450 - 450! - 'extremists' were arrested in Kosovo, not 
inner Serbia. Obviously they are not people driven by abuse to take up arms; 
they are part of the Kosovo Liberation Army, now reorganized into the Kosovo 
Protection Corps, just like the terrorists attacking Macedonia.

2) Under UN Resolution 1244, KFOR must not limit itself to a 'soft policy' 
which permits terrorist murderers voluntarily turn themselves in and be 
released. It is KFOR's obligation to hunt down and jail these terrorists.

So why does KFOR go through this charade of voluntary detention of terrorists 
followed by their release? Because the charade is calculated to solve a 
certain tricky problem.

On the one hand, KFOR wants the citizens of NATO countries to think it acts 
tough against terror. But on the other hand, the KPC terrorists are its 
creation; they constitute a proxy army used to destabilize the Balkans, which 
is NATO's strategic goal.

Moreover, the terrorists require clear evidence that NATO supports them. This 
is discussed in the shortened version of our third interview with Cedomir 
Prlincevic, the Kosovo archivist.
(See 'What's Behind KLA Strategy in the Balkans?') (19)

Mr. Prlincevic explains that certain features of Albanian culture make the 
powerful Albanian clan leaders highly susceptible to threats and 
demonstrations of power from ethnic Albanians. Therefore it is crucial that 
the KLA show it has super-powerful NATO behind it. 

NATO wishes to provide evidence that it supports the KLA but it cannot do so 
openly without alienating Western public opinion. After all, the KLA is 
attacking Macedonia and inner Serbia. The Macedonian government has in the 
past been NATO's errand boy and the current government of Serbia is staunchly 
pro-NATO. So NATO must seem to oppose the secessionist attacks on Macedonia 
and inner Serbia. 

By accepting the voluntary surrender of terrorists (renamed 'extremists') and 
then releasing all those 'not suspected of having committed serious crimes,' 
NATO resolves the paradox of its duplicity. The detentions say, 'We oppose 
Albanian terrorism,' but the releases say, "We support it."

And that, dear friends, is the truth. 

As George Thompson has documented in his article, 'Roots of Kosovo Fascism,' 
the KLA and the KPC are the political descendents of the Albanian 
terrorist/fascists who ruled Kosovo as puppets of Nazi Germany in World War 
II. (20)

By supporting the KLA terrorist/fascists in Kosovo, KFOR and UNMIK leaders 
have not only violated international law, including the Helsinki Final Act; 
they have not only made a mockery of UN Security Council Resolution 1244. 

They have also put the political descendents of the World War II Nazis back 
in power in Kosovo. It is a fact that the ethnic Albanian Nazis in Kosovo 
were the last Nazis to surrender - they kept fighting until 1950. U.S. and 
Euro policies have, shockingly, brought these, the worst elements among 
Kosovo Albanians, to power once again. Read carefully the following 'L.A. 
Times' report regarding the joy of some ethnic Albanians when German troops 
returned to the Kosovo city of Prizren in June 1999:

[START L.A. Times excerpt]
"...Many Kosovo Albanians sided with the Nazis during World War II, and 
today, some of them do not distinguish between the past and present German 
armies--both of which, to their way of thinking, accomplished the same feat: 
freeing them from Serbian rule. "This is a second liberation," said Ali Majo, 
68, a native of this city in southwestern Kosovo. "I can't describe how it 
felt when we saw German soldiers come to liberate us again." 

"So much for moral victories in the Balkans. 

"Majo was 10 years old when the German Wehrmacht rolled into Prizren in April 
1941. The Nazis arrived in the hills around town on motorcycles, looked 
through their binoculars and opened fire on a partisan artillery position, he 

'"After that, they came in and circled the town,' Majo said. 'We all shouted, 
Heil Hitler. We were proud of the German soldiers because they liberated us 
from the Serbs.' 

"Naim Poloshka, 72, remembers how one of the Wehrmacht soldiers gave him a 
chocolate and a ride on his motorcycle. They drove him around town so he 
could point out houses where partisans lived. 

"Like much of Prizren, Poloshka was stunned when he woke one morning to find 
that the Germans had hanged nine suspected partisans--five Serbs and four 
ethnic Albanians--in the center of town overnight. 

"But it did not dampen his enthusiasm for the Nazis." [END L.A. Times 
excerpt] (21)

We call on KFOR soldiers and UN employees in Kosovo, of all nationalities: 
implement UN Resolution 1244. Arrest the terrorist leaders of the KPC, 
responsible for forcing hundreds of thousands of non-Albanians and 
anti-Fascist Albanians out of Kosovo, for kidnapping and murdering untold 
numbers of people in Kosovo, inner Serbia and Macedonia. 

By doing this, you will obey both international law and your mandate under UN 
Resolution 1244 and you will uphold your honor as soldiers rather than thugs. 

If anyone dares try to stop you from doing this, they are criminals - 
regardless of rank - and should be arrested as well.

- Jared Israel and Rick Rozoff

Emperors Clothes Urgently Needs Financial Help!


(1) KFOR OnLine 24 May 2001

(2) United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999) at:

(3) President Clinton's 16 June 2000 Letter to Congress on U.S. Forces in 
Kosovo can be found at: 

(4) Russian Press Digest, 21 September 1999 is posted at:

(4a) 'Concentration Camps and Gangster/Terrorism in Kosovo' documents the 
terrorist character of the 'reformed' KLA is posted at 

(5) Translated by Emperor's Clothes from La Stampa, 20 September 1999, Page 
9, "Kosovo, e' il primo L'UCK consegna agli italiani deposito di armi" posted 

(6) 'UN Appoints an Alleged War Criminal in Kosovo' posted at:

(7) 'UN Appoints an Alleged War Criminal in Kosovo' posted at:

(8) The Irish Times, Thursday 5 July 2001 "Rebel chief worked for UN funded 
force in Kosovo: The leader of the Macedonian rebels was originally paid by 
the UN" by Chris Stephen in Pristina. Posted at:

(9) Fox News Sunday, 09:00 Sunday 16 September 2001 "Special Report: America 
United" transcript posted at:

(10) Red Cross Spokesmen Refute Pentagon Lies' Interview by Jared Israel 
posted at:

(11) Sunday Times (London), Sunday 10 June 2001, "Macedonia on brink of war" 
by Tom Walker, Diplomatic Correspondent, posted at:

(12) Regarding the opening of the border with Albania, see "Gracko survivors 
blame NATO." This include a 24 July 1999 Report from Gracko village, sent out 
by the Information Service of the Serbian Orthodox Church. With introduction 
by jared Israel. Posted at:

For documentation of the charge that a company associated with the U.S. 
military and CIA created the training camps for the KLA in Northern Albania, 

(13) 'The shame of NATO: Interviews with Serbian Refugees from Kosovo' posted 

(14) For a list of 'Interviews & other Articles that Document NATO 
Sponsorship of Kosovo Terrorists'
go to 
Regarding the potentially fatal act of standing by a window, see 'Time is so 
Short,' an Interview with Simca Kazazic, which can be read at 

14a) Cox News Service, 12 October 1999 "Former University of Georgia graduate 
student murdered in Kosovo" by Plott Brice reporting from Athens, GA. Posted 

(15) To read the full text of the London Observer article with excerpts from 
the UN report documenting terrorist actions by the UN-created Kosovo 
Protection Corps, see
'How will you plead at your trial, Mr. Annan?' at: 

(16) The Daily Telegraph (London), Wednesday 28 March 2001 Page 15 "SAS 
troops seize Kosovo bomb suspects" by Christian Jennings in Pristina. Posted 

(17) Los Angeles Times, Tuesday 15 May 2001 Home Edition, Part A, Part 1, 
Page 4, Foreign Desk, "Kosovo Bus Bombing Suspect Escapes" at:

(18) "THE UNITED STATES ARMY FIELD MANUAL: The Law of Land Warfare,"1956

(19) 'WHAT'S BEHIND KLA STRATEGY IN THE BALKANS?' excerpt from interview with 
Cedomir Prlincevic at

(20) 'The roots of Kosovo fascism' by George Thompson at 

LIBERATORS FROM SERBS,' 'Los Angeles Times,' June 17, 1999, Thursday, Home 
Part A; Page 18; 

Further Reading:

The following articles talk about the attack on southern Serbia:

a) On the evidence that Kosovo Protection Corps (that is, KLA) members are 
the ones attacking southern Serbia, see:  'Who is Behind Terrorist Attacks on 
'Serbia Proper'? by Jared Israel at

b) For an eye-witness account of the attacks on southern Serbia, see: 
'Pentagon Dogs' by Tika Yankovich at
(Mr. Yankovich assisted medical teams treating wounded Yugoslav soldiers and 
Serb policemen)

c) On evidence that the West is training these KLA forces, see: 'Diplomats 
Admit NATO Backs KLA Invasion of Inner Serbia' at 

d) On the participation of Islamist terrorists from around the world in the 
Yevgeni Kryshkin, at 

Whereas not one member of the Kosovo Liberation Army has been indicted for 
war crimes - even though war crimes are the KLA's method of operation - a 
special UN institution, "The International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia" 
(ICTY) has been set up to prosecute Serbian leaders who have resisted the 
attack on Yugoslavia. Regarding that body, see: 

'Official Statements Prove Hague "Tribunal" Belongs to NATO'
by Jared Israel at: 
'For Whom the Bell Tolls'
by Jared Israel at: 
'Back to the Dark Ages?'
by Jared Israel at: 
'Illegal Tribunal - Illegal Indictment'
by Dr. Hans Koechler, President, at: 
'The War Crimes Tribunal: Illegal Origins'
By Dr. Kosta Cavoski at: 

'The War Crimes Tribunal: Learning from the Inquisition'
By Dr. Kosta Cavoski at:
Secret witnesses; some defendants are more equal than others.


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