WIVL schrieb:
> Elections in Zimbabwe and the sanctions myth
> The capitalist press is blasting our ears with the call for sanctions against
>  Zimbabwe. There are calls for the Freedom of the press and other democratic
>  freedoms made by imperialist ministers from Britain, to the EU, etc. This
>  reminds us of the dying days of the apartheid regime in South Africa, when
>  the representatives of the same international big capital suddenly became
>  very 'democratic'. At certain moments the international monopoly capitalists
>  seem to develop a social conscience. But what is really happening?
> If monopoly capital had any true democratic concerns they would long ago have
>  acted against the many years of butchery of the Palestinian people, they
>  would long ago have acted against those who massacred the youth in Tianneman
>  Square, China. Indeed there are too many such examples to quote here. So
>  what makes international monopoly capital [imperialism] work with repressive
>  regimes of the worst types and in other cases, call for sanctions against
>  others. There are many examples, of the imperialist -capitalists,
>  alternating giving support to regimes, and later opposing them. Some times
>  they would support them again after a period of opposition. The most
>  important concern for the international capitalists is to have the working
>  class under control. If a brutal military suppression of workers is
>  sufficient to keep the working class in check, and allow exploitation to
>  continue, the monopoly capitalists have no problem with this at all. If we
>  look at the many years that the resistance forces in SA were suppressed and
>  imperialism had no problem with the SA regime, we can see the truth of the
>  above statement.. After the 1960's big capital poured huge amounts of
>  capital into SA. It became a capitalist paradise. It is only when the
>  working class can no longer be controlled by brutal military suppression,
>  that imperialism allows parliamentary forms of control to emerge, rather
>  than risk losing everything. In South Africa, when the working class was no
>  longer prepared to tolerate racial oppression and exploitation, when the
>  masses were on the march and imperialism was in danger of losing everything,
>  that they suddenly called for sanctions. In reality, they were concerned for
>  the safety of their investments and were trying to cut their losses by
>  taking as much of 'their' capital out of the country as possible. A similar
>  process is currently underway in Zimbabwe.
> For many years since 1980, international monopoly capital had no problem with
>  the Zanu-PF regime under the leadership of Mugabe. For those years, Mugabe
>  fulfilled the required role - to keep the working class in control for
>  exploitation by the big bosses. Mugabe, under the instruction of US monopoly
>  capital, launched wave upon wave of attacks on the working class and youth
>  in Zimbabwe. There was no call for any democratic freedoms at all. Most of
>  the land was kept in capitalist hands. Mugabe even used Korean troops
>  against anyone who dared invade the land under the control of the big
>  capitalists. The capitalists were really in the pound seats. It was only
>  when the working class in Zimbabwe, after many hard battles, burst forth, 
>  no longer prepared to tolerate the brutal exploitation imposed by Mugabe on
>  behalf of imperialism, that imperialism started to make democratic noises.
>  In other words, brute force no longer achieved the results for imperialism
>  and they now sought parliamentary means to regain full control. In other
>  words, the capitalists want to divert the democratic demands of the
>  Zimbabwean masses into the dead-end of elections. The international monopoly
>  capitalists will switch support to whoever can keep the working class under
>  control, by whatever means. The imperialists will only tolerate those
>  democratic demands that serve their purpose of continued exploitation. The
>  'democratic' demands allowed by imperialism is directly linked to how strong
>  and conscious the working class movement is. The democratic demands gained
>  by the working class are often more that what the capitalists are happy
>  with. Thus the capitalists will always try to undermine any democratic
>  demand, before the ink has even dried on the paper that the rights are
>  agreed to. The need for parliamentary control is the reason behind big
>  capital supporting the MDC. [Did they even initiate it?]. Even if the
>  working class is split between the Zanu-PF and MDC, as long as there is
>  parliamentary control, imperialism would be happy. The capitalists are known
>  to back many horses, so as to ensure their absolute control. 
> The hypocrisy of big capital can be seen in their call for sanctions [they
>  are already taking capital out of the country] and in their call for press
>  freedom [they want to ensure that the capitalist media can operate to create
>  a climate for the maximum protection of imperialist interests], while they
>  remain absolutely quiet on the proposed new labour law which bans strikes,
>  stayaways and demonstrations. That the Mugabe led regime did not go ahead
>  with the Labour law, shows that he is scared of losing what little support
>  remains in the working class for him.
> WIVL condemns all anti-working class actions of the Zimbabwean state,
>  especially the repression of ISO activists, Elliot Madzivayika and Jokonia
>  Maopa. We support the call by the ISO for an end to all dictatorial
>  measures. We would add that there should be transitional demands developed
>  to advance the aspirations of the masses. These should include demands for
>  work for all and for food and shelter for all; there should be the
>  unrestricted right to strike. We support the programme of mass action for
>  the demands of the working class. The ZCTU leaders who fail to fight for the
>  demands of the masses, should be replaced with fighters who carry working
>  class interests at heart. No illusions in elections or sanctions. Forward to
>  the mass action of 15th February. Forward to the building of a revolutionary
>  working class party in Zimbabwe. Forward to Socialism!
> issued on 2.02 2002 by 
> Workers International Vanguard League
> 1st Floor, Community House
> 41 Salt River rd
> Salt River
> 7925
> South Africa
> ph/fax [27] 21 4476777

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