Las opiniones de Nestor sobre el infame discurso de
Duhalde y su politica economica mas infame aun, me
hacen recordar un cuento Zulu: el jefe de la tribu
reune a la tribu y anuncia: tengo dos noticias que
darles una buena y otra mala, priemro la mala: no
tenemos mas nada para comer solo tenemos mierda. 
Ahora la buena: mierda hay cualquier cantidad. 
Alberto Lapolla

 --- Gorojovsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió: >
> SIMPLE" ***
> Disculpen que mande esto en inglés (por allí alguien
> tiene el tiempo para
> traducirlo, Pablo M quizás?). Pero es fundamental.
> En la actual coyuntura argentina, lo que debemos
> admitir, me parece, es que al
> menos desde su propia subjetividad Duhalde está
> dispuesto a cerrar el camino
> para siempre al partido dolarizador (de allí su
> alusión a Menem -que provocó la
> retirada del nunca bien reputeado funcionario del
> Proceso Eduardo Menem- en el
> discurso ante el recinto parlamentario en pleno).
> Este es un inmenso paso adelante. Por supuesto,
> luego podemos decir que la
> política de Remes-Duhalde no hace sino poner en
> peligro lo adquirido por esa
> decisión, etc., etc. Es cierto. Pero que la batalla
> contra los dolarizadores
> está en marcha, es verdad. Para los incrédulos, vaya
> esta importante nota
> redactada por Rudi Dornbusch y un cipayo vernáculo,
> un tal Caballero, que
> trabaja en el MIT.
> Este texto realmente excepcional lo hemos obtenido
> gracias al amigo (y miembro
> de esta lista) Mário José da Lima, con lo cual R-P
> se va transformando en una
> especie de Mercosur de las ideas revolucionarias...
> Mário me retransmitió un mensaje de la lista
> norteamericana PEN-L, sigla que
> significa "lista de la red de economistas
> progresistas". En general, es una
> lista bastante pobre, pero a veces llegan joyas como
> esto que remite un miembro
> de PEN-L, que firma Alan sus atónitas líneas de
> introducción.
> Dear PEN-L-ers,
> I thought I had head it all, but this one is just
> unbelievable. Check
> out Dornbusch and Caballero's solution for
> Argentina, including giving
> up sovereignty on financial issues!!!!!!!
> One has to admire their honesty, I guess. This is
> what the IMF has
> been doing for decades, though D&C (interesting
> parallels could be
> drawn here) take it a step further and formalize the
> undemocratic,
> imperialistic intentions behind it all.
> Luckily, this is extensively covered in today's left
> of center daily.
> I hope next time Dornbusch (or the IMF) set foot on
> Argentine
> territory they are met as they deserve to be met.
> Alan
> The URL is:
> 02/27/2002 Argentina: A Rescue Plan That Works
> Ricardo Caballero and Rudi Dornbusch
> Massachusetts Institute of Technology
> Argentina is waiting for the next bailout, a
> shipment from the IMF that helps
> resolving the myriad unresolved issues in economics,
> politics and the social
> area. Of course, everybody knows that this is not
> the answer.
> The truth is that Argentina is bankrupt. Bankrupt
> economically, politically and
> socially. Its institutions are dysfunctional, its
> government disreputable, its
> social cohesion collapsed. Having fallen that deep,
> it comes as no surprise
> that reconstruction rather than quick-fix financial
> support has to be the
> answer. Argentina is like the European economies in
> the early 1920s, not a
> country with a liquidity issue that needs a tough
> year and is back on its feet
> like say Korea, Mexico or Brazil.
> It is time to get radical. Any plausible
> reconstruction program must
> be built around three points:
> • The recognition that this will be an effort of a
> decade, not of a
> few years. Argentina's productive economy, its
> credit and its institutions have
> been destroyed. Both its physical and moral capital
> will have to be
> built up and that takes a very long time.
> • Because Argentine polity has become overburdened,
> it must
> temporarily surrender its sovereignty on all
> financial issues.
> Financial soundness is the key area where a beach
> head of stability
> must be created to even start thinking about sound
> public finance,
> saving and investment.
> • The rest of the world should provide financial
> support to Argentina.
> But it must do it only upon Argentina's acceptance
> of radical reform
> and foreign hands-on control and supervision of
> fiscal spending, money
> printing and tax administration.
> Any external loan is to bridge the gap between
> immediate fiscal needs
> and the day, a year or two down the road, where
> radical reform creates
> sustainable finance.
> Argentina today is bankrupt and slipping further. On
> the current
> course of events, money printing will cover up
> unresolved claims only
> so long. Far from resolving the open issues,
> financial and public
> chaos will further destroy the bases for a
> reconstruction. A wasteful
> distributional battle is taking place between
> workers and the wealthy,
> those who are trapped by the bank closure and those
> who have their
> money in Miami, between provinces and Buenos Aires,
> between unions and businesses, between foreign
> investors or creditors and a nation that
> wants to shed obligations in a vain effort to
> maintain some normalcy.
> Argentina is being cannibalized by this strife.
> Further IMF money
> without a deeply intrusive change of the rules of
> the game won't
> prevent self-destruction.
> Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky
> Compañeros del exercito de los Andes.
> ...La guerra se la tenemos de hacer del modo que
> podamos:
> sino tenemos dinero, carne y un pedazo de tabaco no
> nos
> tiene de faltar: cuando se acaben los vestuarios,
> nos
> vestiremos con la bayetilla que nos trabajen
> nuestras mugeres,
> y sino andaremos en pelota como nuestros paisanos
> los indios:
> seamos libres, y lo demás no importa nada...
> Jose de San Martín, 27 de julio de 1819.
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