Note by Hunterbear:

Although I've mentioned this earlier, this signal event is well worth
reiterating broadly and generally -- and especially for people in the
Pacific Northwest.

Although not indicated in this release, the May 18 1952 Peace Arch Concert
was followed by another successful Robeson Peace Arch
concert/demonstration -- August 16 1953.

Paul Robeson's very fine songs and words from each of those Peace Arch
concerts -- as well as solid comment from Harvey Murphy, a major Canadian
Mine-Mill leader -- are all readily available on a recent CD:  "Paul
Robeson:  The Peace Arch Concerts."  It's quickly secured via conventional
commercial sources and from its producer, Folk Era Records.  Their website
is   We secured several as soon as they appeared.
giving some away to friends.  Our experience with the CD -- and all feedback
from friends -- has been extremely positive. [Among the many songs are two
classic renditions of "Joe Hill." ]


-------------------------------------------------Paul Robeson Centennial

Robeson Peace Arch Concert Anniversary

On May 18, 1952 Paul Robeson stood on the back of a flat bed truck and sang
songs of defiance and solidarity to 40,000 people on the US-Canadian border.
Fifty years later, on May 18, 2002, that event will be commemorated with
another concert on the border.

The 1952 Concert
The venue was an odd one for one of the great artists of the 20th century,
and the sponsor, the International Union of Mine, Mill, and Smelter Workers
equally curious, or maybe not. "Mine Mill", as it was known, had been
founded in a jail cell in Idaho in 1893. It was a union that represented
some of the most militant North American workers, the hard rock miners,
whose battles with the mine owners were legendary.

Paul Robeson, whose own uncompromising militancy in the face of oppression
and injustice was equally well known, had been invited to sing at the Fourth
Canadian Convention of the union in Vancouver in February of 1952. The
American authorities, however, had seized Robeson's passport, and he was
denied permission to leave his country. The convention heard Robeson sing
over the telephone and promised to organize a concert on the US-Canadian
border, and indeed they did.

Accompanied by Lawrence Brown on piano, Robeson sang and spoke for 45
minutes. He introduced his first song stating "I stand here today under
great stress because I dare, as do you -- all of you, to fight for peace and
for a decent life for all men, women and children". He proceeded to sing
spirituals, folk songs, labour songs, and a passionate version of Old Man
River, written for him in the 20's, slowly enunciating "show a little grit
and you land in jail", underlining the fact that his government had turned
the entire country into a prison for Robeson and many others.

It was a magnificent performance and a triumph for a movement facing the
scourge of McCarthyism and the Red Scare. The Korean War was at its height,
Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were under sentence of death, and it seemed the
social and political gains of the previous generation were being eroded by a
right-wing offensive. The Peace Arch Concert was a rare victory, a massive
solidarity, and a demonstration that the dream of a different world was
still alive. The concert was recorded and issued as a record by the union.
It now is available as a CD.

The 2002 Anniversary Celebration
To commemorate that event, and to show that what Robeson fought for is still
worth fighting for, a committee has been formed in Vancouver to organize a
concert exactly 50 years after the Robeson concert. The members of the
committee are cultural and social activists and trade unionists; the same
kind of folks who put together the 1952 concert. The piano Robeson played,
lovingly kept all these years, will once again adorn a flat bed truck for a
stage. Artists who live, work and sing for the things that Robeson
represented, "peace and a decent life for all men, women, and children",
will sing from that truck.

Groups supporting a wide array of struggles will be invited to participate
in an information fair, giving the event a practical turn. The committee
will do everything in its power to draw the largest crowd possible and to
show that the dream that inspired Robeson still lives in the hearts and
minds of many thousands. Some of the issues we face would be familiar to
Robeson solidarity in the face of war, racism, and oppression; others have
new names such as globalization, or neo-liberalism, but the struggle is the

We are asking individuals and organizations that share the beliefs that Paul
Robeson represented, who cherish the memory of an uncompromising artist, and
who believe in bringing together thousands of people to publicly celebrate
those beliefs and that artist, to give as generously as they can. Stand with

For more information on the Robeson anniversary concert plans, contact Seth
Klein, Director of the BC Office, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives,
tel. 604-801-5121.

>From People's Voice

Hunter Gray  [ Hunterbear ]  ( social justice )

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