I have always wanted to shoot a documentary about life under capitalism; that 
is it not LEAVE IT TO BEAVER or the COSBY show.  This film would show 
homeless families, the degradation at the welfare office, the neighborhoods 
that look bombed out, the closed factories, the folks standing on street 
corners, the filled emergency rooms, the slum housing.  One of the things 
that used to bother me the most was the bars on the windows when I went to 
pick up my food stamps, like we were criminals.  One time they closed while 
folks were still waiting in line.  Folks had no way to feed their children 
that night, I thought that there was going to be a riot.  Last week I drove a 
friend over 10 miles to food stamp place.  It was very difficult to find 
being around the corner of a building that looked like it only had offices in 
the front.  I only knew that it was the food stamp place because their was a 
small hand scrawled sign taped to the door.  There was a woman asleep on the 
ground outside.  We then discovered that the food stamp place didn't open 
till 2:30 PM and it was 9:45 am.  Of course, there was the time that I fed my 
kids on donated zucchini and tea because we had no refrigerator even though 
my spouse was working.  This was the same time period that we had to shit in 
a hole behind the house because the toilet quit working.  
These images in film would have convinced the Russians to clean up their 
version of socialism instead of trading it for the viciousness of capitalism.
A lawyer acquaintance of mine recently reminded me that our system fluctuates 
from the left to the right and this was just another rightward swing.  I 
said, "But people die during these periods."  I refuse to shrug my shoulders 
at this economic violence.

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