I can't help you with the US-paper but I would like to seize the opportunity 
to tell you that we got something like this since quite some time here in the FR 
Germany. It's called "Zeitung gegen den Krieg" ("Newspaper against the war"), 
and in April #10 has been published. However it doesn't deal exclusively with 
Afghanistan but with Kosovo and Iraq too.It is distributed free e.g. as a part 
of the leftist daily 'junge Welt'.
fraternally       A. Holberg

Macdonald Stainsby schrieb:
> Can someone please tell me where I can order this? In Vancouver, we have a
> tri-weekly that produces some 10 000 copies, but this seems wonderful!
> Macdonald, get in touch with me at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -----
>   http://www.guardian.co.uk/afghanistan/story/0,1284,676269,00.html
>   New US paper aims at Afghan war truth Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles
>   [Friday March 29 2002]  The Guardian
>   A newspaper aimed at providing news of the war in Afghanistan is to be
> launched this month. Its editors argue that the mainstream media in the US are
> not providing a full picture of the war and its effects.
>   War Times, produced in San Francisco, will make its first bi-weekly
>  appearance
> on April 12. It will be published in English and Spanish and will be
>  distributed
> throughout the US.
>   Its editors say it is a response to a demand for more information about what
> is happening in Afghanistan and the possibility of conflict elsewhere.
>   The venture is supported by a number of academics, including Noam Chomsky,
> labour organisations and anti-war groups.
>   Its managing editor, Bob Wing, said the response to the idea had been
> extraordinary. "We originally planned to print only 7,500 copies of the
>  pilot,"
> he said, "but the demand was so great that we printed and distributed
>  100,000."
>   He said the aim was to bring more information about the war into the public
> debate and "to report hidden truths, to put a human face on events, and
>  explore
> the real interests behind the 'permanent war'."
>   The pilot issue carried an interview with the actor Danny Glover, who said:
> "Bombing Afghanistan and creating the idea that the US is the judge, the jury
> and the executioner is the wrong way to respond."
>   "It's hard because of the anger, the pain and the humiliation we feel about
> September 11. But we have to understand that other people have faced the same
> kind of pain, the same kind of anger.
>    "Their lives have been transformed by acts of terrorism and violence, often
> supported or perpetrated by the US."
>   _____________________________________
>   Copyright [UK] Guardian Newspapers Limited
>   http://www.guardian.co.uk/
> -------------------------------------------
> Macdonald Stainsby
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> "They are all Enron, we are all Argentina"
>     --WEF protesters.
> ----
> In the contradiction lies the hope.
>                                      --Bertholt Brecht
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