BBC. 14 April 2002. Chavez calls for national unity.

The following are excerpts from his address, as broadcast on Venezuelan
Globovision Television:

"To God what belongs to God, to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to
the people what belongs to the people.

"I begin with these words with who knows how many feelings inside me.

"I don't know how many feelings stir my breast, my soul, my mind -
thoughts and feelings. In this moment I am like the multi-coloured sea.

"Nevertheless, I must confess to all Venezuelans, to the Venezuelan
people, that I am still in shock.

"I am still assimilating this process which we can now give a name to
and write down in many books for Venezuelan history and as an example to
the world.

"This is a process of counter-counter-revolution...

"What has happened in Venezuela in these last few hours is truly
unprecedented in the world...

"The Venezuelan people and its armed forces, those soldiers of the
people, have written - this is not exaggerating - a new page, what a
great page for Venezuelan, Latin American, and perhaps world history.

"The people have recognised their rights. The armed forces, whose
essence, whose structural heart, whose officers and troops are aware of
their historical responsibilities, did not allow themselves to be
confused, manipulated or deceived.

"From the core of the situation, from the soul of the situation,
strength has emerged that has reinstated the legitimacy and the
constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela...

"The most important thing is for Venezuelans to return home. I ask
people to remain calm...

"We need a great deal of spiritual peace at this time for the whole
country and every section of society.

"I make a call for peace, for calm, for common sense from all. I make a
call for the whole country to reunite.

"These events that have brought blood and pain are nevertheless, and
should be, a huge lesson for all of us.

"Venezuela has the respect of the international community, and the
international community recognises the legitimacy and sovereignty and
courage and valour of the Venezuelan people that was demonstrated here
again today...

"I would like in particular to thank the international press and
international organisations for their role...

"On behalf of the government, I do not come here with hate and revenge.
We must make decisions and adjust many things...

"I call on local governments, governors, mayors, and all men and women
who follow me on this path, not to fall into the extremes that some
sectors fell into.

"We revolutionaries respect the human being, no retaliation. There will
be no witch hunt here. There will be no abuses here. Things have to
return to the constitutional framework...

"Venezuela needs an opposition, but an opposition loyal to the people,
an opposition with true criticisms, with options for the country.

"I call on the opposition to work in the streets and towns with ethics,
with good faith, accepting what has to be accepted.

 "There are two countries here - a virtual and a real country. The
virtual country set up a conspiracy in an adventurist spirit, and the
real country has the spirit of reason, strength of love...

"I was not mistreated at any point during my detention, and the soldiers
guarding me often burst into tears on seeing me...

"You haven't resigned? one young soldier asked me. When I replied in the
negative he saluted me and declared 'In that case you are my

"As for the armed forces, the central structure has proven once again
that no matter how much manipulation there is, they will not fall for

Macdonald Stainsby

"They are all Enron, we are all Argentina"
    --WEF protesters.
In the contradiction lies the hope.
                                     --Bertholt Brecht

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