Michael Keaney just posted this on the A list. I don't think we are going to
hear the end of this for some time. It boggles the mind that Israel still gets
so much liberal support. Propaganda is an amazing tool.

Amid the ruins of Jenin, the grisly evidence of a war crime
Phil Reeves in Jenin
The Independent, 16 April 2002

A monstrous war crime that Israel has tried to cover up for a fortnight has
finally been exposed. Its troops have caused devastation in the centre of the
Jenin refugee camp, reached yesterday by The Independent, where thousands of
people are still living amid the ruins.

A residential area roughly 160,000 square yards about a third of a mile wide has
been reduced to dust. Rubble has been shovelled by bulldozers into 30ft piles.
The sweet and ghastly reek of rotting human bodies is everywhere, evidence that
it is a human tomb. The people, who spent days hiding in basements crowded into
single rooms as the rockets pounded in, say there are hundreds of corpses,
entombed beneath the dust, under a field of debris, criss-crossed with tank and
bulldozer treadmarks.

In one nearby half-wrecked building, gutted by fire, lies the fly-blown corpse
of a man covered by a tartan rug. In another we found the remains of 23-year-old
Ashraf Abu Hejar beneath the ruins of a fire-blackened room that collapsed on
him after being hit by a rocket. His head is shrunken and blackened. In a third,
five long-dead men lay under blankets.

A quiet. sad-looking young man called Kamal Anis led us across the wasteland,
littered now with detritus of what were once households, foam rubber, torn
clothes, shoes, tin cans, children's toys. He suddenly stopped. This was a mass
grave, he said, pointing.

We stared at a mound of debris. Here, he said, he saw the Israeli soldiers pile
30 bodies beneath a half-wrecked house. When the pile was complete, they
bulldozed the building, bringing its ruins down on the corpses. Then they
flattened the area with a tank. We could not see the bodies. But we could smell

A few days ago, we might not have believed Kamal Anis. But the descriptions
given by the many other refugees who escaped from Jenin camp were understated,
not, as many feared and Israel encouraged us to believe, exaggerations. Their
stories had not prepared me for what I saw yesterday. I believe them now.

Until two weeks ago, there were several hundred tightly-packed homes in this
neighbourhood called Hanat al-Hawashim. They no longer exist.

Around the central ruins, there are many hundreds of half-wrecked homes. Much of
the camp - once home to 15,000 Palestinian refugees from the 1948 war - is
falling down. Every wall is speckled and torn with bullet holes and shrapnel,
testimony of the awesome, random firepower of Cobra and Apache helicopters that
hovered over the camp.

Building after building has been torn apart, their contents of cheap fake
furnishings, mattresses, white plastic chairs spewed out into the road. Every
other building bears the giant, charred, impact mark of a helicopter missile.
Last night there were still many families and weeping children still living amid
the ruins, cut off from the humanitarian aid. Ominously, we found no wounded,
although there was a report of a man being rescued from beneath ruins only an
hour before we arrived.

Those who did not flee the camp, or not detained by the army, have spent the
bombardment in basements, enduring day after day of terror. Some were forced
into rooms by the soldiers, who smashed their way into houses through the walls.
The UN says half of the camp's 15,000 residents were under 18. As the evening
hush fell over these killing fields, we could suddenly hear the children
chattering. The mosques, once so noisy at prayer time, were silent.

Israel was still trying to conceal these scenes yesterday. It had refused entry
to Red Cross ambulances for nearly a week, in violation of the Geneva
Convention. Yesterday it continued to try to keep us out.

Jenin, in the northern end of the occupied West Bank, remained "a closed
military zone", was ringed Merkava tanks, army Jeep patrols, and armoured
personnel carriers. Reporters caught trying to get in were escorted out. A day
earlier the Israeli armed forces took in a few selected journalists to see
sanitised parts of the camp. We simply walked across the fields, flitted through
an olive orchard overlooked by two Israeli tanks, and into the camp itself.

We were led in by hands gesturing at windows. Hidden, whispering people directed
us through narrow alleys they thought were clear. When there were soldiers
about, a finger would raise in warning, or a hand waved us back. We were
welcomed by people desperate to tell what had occurred. They spoke of
executions, and bulldozers wrecking homes with people inside. "This is mass
murder committed by Ariel Sharon," Jamel Saleh, 43, said. "We feel more hate for
Israel now than ever. Look at this boy." He placed his hand on the tousled head
of a little boy, Mohammed, the eight-year-old son of a friend. "He saw all this
evil. He will remember it all." So will everyone else who saw the horror of
Jenin refugee camp. Palestinians who entered the camp yesterday were almost

Rajib Ahmed, from the Palestinian Energy Authority, came to try to repair the
power lines. He was trembling with fury and shock. "This is mass murder. I have
come here to help by I have found nothing but devastation. Just look for
yourself." All had the same message: tell the world.

Full article at:

Macdonald Stainsby

"They are all Enron, we are all Argentina"
    --WEF protesters.
In the contradiction lies the hope.
                                     --Bertholt Brecht

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