
><< That is not true.  Even the Israeli government doesn't claim that all
>  targets of suicide bombings by Palestinians are civilians. --  >>
>That's not much of a counter-argument,

It's not insignificant that you are taking a position _to the right_ 
of the Israeli government, in claiming that _all_ targets of suicide 
bombings by Palestinians are civilians.  Further, discussion of 
suicide bombings, as with discussion of all military tactics, should 
make a proper distinction between civilians and soldiers.

>but  OK, granting that there have been
>exceptions (of which I am unaware, and which I note that you have not
>bothered to name)

See, for instance, the following websites: B'Tselem, 
<http://www.btselem.org/>; and 
<http://www.mfa.gov.il/mfa/go.asp?MFAH0i5d0>, a page maintained by 
the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

>- regarding the obviously overwhelming number of terrorist
>attacks that have murdered civilians - am I to understand that you approve of

The following is from B'Tselem's statistics (I only copy the totals 
here -- to see the trends, go to <http://www.btselem.org/>):

*****   Palestinians Killed in the Occupied Territories (including 
East Jerusalem), since the Beginning of the Intifada (Dec. 9, 1987) 
until the end of January 2002

Year    Palestinian     Palestinians    Palestinian
        civilians       security        civilians
        killed by       forces          killed by
        Israeli         personnel       Israeli
        security        killed by       civilians
        forces          Israeli

Total-  1,965           163             126

Israelis Killed in the Occupied Territories (including East 
Jerusalem), since the Beginning of the Intifada (Dec. 9, 1987) until 
the end of January 2002

Year    Israeli         Israeli         Israeli
        civilians       security        security
        killed  by      forces          forces
        Palestinians    personnel       personnel
                        killed by       killed by
                        Palestinian     Palestinian
                        civilians       security

Total   179             109             24

In addition to the data above: Six foreign citizens were killed by 
Palestinians; Nine foreign citizens were killed by Israeli security 

Total Casualties in Israel from the Beginning of the Intifada (Dec. 
9, 1987) untill the end of January 2002

Year    Palestinian     Palestinian     Israeli         Israeli
        civilians       civilians       civilians       security
        killed by       killed by       killed by       forces
        Israeli         Israeli         Palestinian     personnel
        security        civilians       civilians       killed by
        forces                                          Palestinian

Total   48              27              275             79

In addition to the data above: Two foreign citizens were killed by 
Israeli security force personnel; 23 foreign citizens were killed by 
Palestinians.   ******

As you can see above, both Israelis and Palestinians have killed 
civilians _and_ more civilians than security forces personnel, but, 
proportionally speaking, 57% of the Israelis killed by Palestinians 
in the occupied territories are civilians, whereas *92%* of the 
Palestinians killed by Israelis in the occupied territories are 
civilians.  Counting the deaths in both the occupied territories and 
Israel proper, 68% of the Israelis killed by Palestinians are 
civilians, whereas *93%* of the Palestinians killed by Israelis are 
civilians.  Looking at the trend, the murders of Israeli civilians by 
Palestinians in the occupied territories reached two digits only in 
the years 1992 (11), 1993-4 (38), and 2000-2002 (87); the murders of 
Israeli civilians by Palestinians in Israel proper did the same in 
the years 1989 (17), 1990 (13), 1994 (47), 1996 (38), 1997 (25), and 
2000-2002 (98).  (The figures between parentheses are the numbers of 
the dead in the years mentioned.)  Lastly, when the statistics 
mention Israeli civilians, they include settlers as well.

While I do not approve of Palestinian bombings of Israeli civilians, 
I also think it important to remember that the Palestinian record in 
observance of laws of war looks much better than the Israeli record 
(not to mention the US record) in the proportions of civilian and 
military casualties.  Further, the Palestinian suicide bombings of 
Israeli civilians came to outnumber only in very recent years, i.e., 
since the beginning of the 2nd Intifada.

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* Committee for Justice in Palestine: <http://www.osu.edu/students/CJP/>

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