Detroit Police Chief Postpones Trip to Israel After Criticism

Controversial trip was condemned by pro-Palestinian activists

By Abayomi Azikiwe, Editor
Pan-African News Wire

DETROIT, 27 April (PANW)--Newly-appointed police chief Jerry 
Oliver has announced that he will postpone his trip to Israel 
because of the current political violence that is going on 
inside the occupied territories of Palestine.

Oliver and newly-elected Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick came under 
crticism for the announced trip which was supposedly designed 
to attend a seminar on fighting "terrorism." 

"I'm disappointed that I'm not going because I think it was a 
great opportunity to learn," Oliver told a Detroit Board of 
Police Commissioners meeting on Thursday evening.

"I think it's the right call because clearly I don't want to 
go into the middle of something that's not safe and they 
can't guarantee our safety at this point," said the chief who 
was previously employed in Richmond, Virginia.

Oliver had been slated to travel to Israel with 25 other law 
enforcement officials from around the United States.  The 
trip, which was sponsored by the Police Executive Research 
Forum in Washington, D.C., was slated for June.

The proposed trip drew harsh criticism from Arab-American 
organizations and other anti-war groups.  The International 
Action Center in Detroit sent a letter to Mayor Kilpatrick on 
March 29 expressing its displeasure with the scheduled trip.

According to the letter, which was signed by people such as 
Hassan Newash of the American Council on Palestinian Affairs; 
Tammy Watts of the Arab Center for Community Economic and 
Social Services (ACCESS); David Sole, the president of UAW 
Local 2334; Dr. Jerry G. Bails, Prof. Emeritus, WSU, among 
others: "We were shocked and dismayed to hear press reports 
that you are considering sending Detroit's Chief of Police, 
Jerry Oliver, to Israel to study 'terrorism.' Exactly what 
can he learn from the Israeli government, police or military 
when Israel trained and armed the vicious former apartheid 
government of South Africa in its brutal forty year 
suppression of the African, Indian and mixed race peoples."

The letter sent to Mayor Kilpatrick also stated that: "Israel 
has launched murderous, massive military attacks against 
crowded refugee camps, killing indiscriminately and rounding 
up hundreds upon hundreds of civilians, writing numbers, Nazi 
style, on their forearms." 

In addition to these facts about the current policies of the 
Israeli government, the letter mentioned also that: "The 
Prime Minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon, was found guilty of 
aiding and abetting the murder of thousands of Palestinian 
civilians in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon 
in the 1980's."

Concluding the letter the activists contend that: "By sending 
a representative of the City of Detroit to Israel, your 
administration would be ignoring these massive human rights 
violations. You would be giving comfort to Israel's brutal 
and illegal occupation of Palestinian land.  Are the lessons 
of Israeli terrorism really what we want to bring back to 
Detroit where our police force already has too many cases of 
questionable police shootings, unexplained jail house deaths 
and accusations of corruption?"

The previous plan to send Chief Oliver to Israel was a focal 
point of discussion on a local Black Talk Radio show aired 
several weeks ago in Detroit.  Callers overwhelmingly spoke 
against the Israeli trip.  

At a town hall meeting on police/community relations held 
last week, Oliver received questions on his proposed trip to 
Israel during a brief visit to the gathering.

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