Over 70% of Palestinians support martyrdom

AP. 28 April 2002. Cult Evolves Around Suicide Bombers as Appeal of
Attacks Grows Among Palestinians.

JENIN REFUGEE CAMP -- Mohammed Badi, 13, says he wants to die young.
"Life is not good here. I'll do an operation," the seventh-grader said
in a matter-of-fact tone.

In today's Palestinian parlance, an "operation" means a suicide bombing
or a gun attack that is certain to end with the assailant's death. In
either case, an eternity in paradise is thought to await the bomber and
the gunman.

There's no way to judge whether Badi really means to go through with it,
but his words illustrate how the appeal of suicide attacks, once the
domain of militant Muslim groups, is striking roots throughout
Palestinian society and giving rise to a cult complete with rituals.

Secular Palestinians have blown themselves up in the nearly 60 attacks
in 19 months. So have women. So have teen-agers.

After each attack, candy is distributed in the streets, and women often
greet the news with joyous shrieks. Attackers videotape their final
words against a backdrop of assault rifles and banners with Quranic
verses. Posters of the bombers and gunmen in Rambo-like poses are
plastered on walls.

Palestinians say the bombings are a legitimate weapon in fighting for
their independent state.

Opinion polls indicate that more than 70 percent of Palestinians support
suicide attacks, and experts say the high regard in which the "martyrs"
are held in society is shaping the next generation.

"Martyrdom has become an ambition for our children," said Fadl Abu Hein,
a psychology lecturer from Gaza. "If they had a proper education in a
normal environment, they won't have looked for a value in death."

The militants say they get so many candidates that they have waiting

Priority goes to those with good knowledge of Israeli roads, cities and
landmarks, hence many of the bombers turn out to have had jobs in

When zero hour approaches, would-be bombers offer a final prayer and
listen to a sermon on martyrdom. They then set out with no goodbyes to
family or friends.

Explosives strapped around their waist, they look for a spot where they
can cause as many deaths and as much destruction as possible by blowing
themselves up. Favorite targets: crowded buses, cafes, outdoor markets.

News of a bombing is announced from loudspeakers mounted on mosque
minarets. Spontaneous marches set out to the bomber's house.

The family later makes itself available at a youth center or social club
for people to pay respects - not condolences.

Within hours, posters of the bomber go up on walls.

Shadi Tobasi's is typical. He killed 15 people in a Haifa restaurant
March 31. He is posed holding a pistol and Quran against a backdrop of a
dead Palestinian child and an image of Islam's gold-topped Dome of the
Rock in Jerusalem.

The exterior walls of the Tobasi family house just outside the Jenin
refugee camp were almost entirely covered with graffiti soon after news
of his act became known. "Shadi, we shall never forget you," said one.

"Shadi, enjoy paradise," said another.

Suicide bombings have captured the imagination of Muslims the world over
who see Israel as their religion's chief enemy.

After a long debate, Muslim clerics are near consensus now that suicide
bombings are permitted by Islam and that the bombers are martyrs.

At least 20 of the suicide attackers since September 2000 have come from
the Jenin area, including the Jenin camp, a militant stronghold.

Mohammed, the seventh-grader, said he threw explosives at Israeli tanks
and armored vehicles during the fighting, an account confirmed by adults
gathered in the camp's barbershop.

Some of the adults, with lots of time on their hands, were also spinning
violent fantasies of being suicide bombers.

"It's the best way to die and I shall do it," said Rushdi Al-Norsi, 24,
a jobless laborer.

"Look around you, what's there for us to live for? I would rather die
and be remembered as a martyr than continue with this miserable life."

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