There seems to be no doubt about it that 'anti-semitism' or to be more precise 
'anti-judaism' based on religious difference had a certain tradition amnong the 
muslimArabs (i don't know anything in this respect about the christian ones) 
sine the 7th century. But it seems that this has never led to any major clashes 
but in the 20th century.By then however the question had ceased to be one of 
'Jews' and 'Muslims' but had become one of Jewish auxiliaries to western 
imperialism and of Zionist plans to take over Palestine. This doesn't make the 
Mufti's policies any more accepotable, but as far as the feeling of the masses 
are concerned this difference should not be ignored. Anyhow I think that it is 
revealing that notwithstanding the fact that any non-Muslims (among them the 
Jews) in muaslim states were treated as 'dhimmi' and did therefore non have 
equal civilian rights in siome cases like Iraq and Egypt it took the provocative 
actions of Zionist agents (bombings of synagogues and other Jewish centers) to 
force the local Jews to emigrate to Israel. Obviously they didn't feel unhappy 
enough among their non-Jewish compatriots to leave as soon as possible on their 
own. As for the Jews in Egypt before WW2 see the article written by Ya'acoub 
Daoud Eskandarany (Egyptiasn Jewery - Why it declined)published in 'Khamsin - 
Journal of Revolutionary Socialists of the Middle East' No 5,London 1978. Here a 
difference is made between the (ultrareligious) Jews who have lived in Egypt 
(mostly rural areas) for at least centuries and those fromGreece and other parts 
of the region who came there as a sort of middle men in the wake of imperialist 
domination. While the first were always left unharmed the second group became 
the target of riots and pogroms as part of the antiimperialist struggle of the 
Egyptians (its understood that I don't defend this, I just try to explain).
Best            A. Holberg


> The piece I just posted is a speech by a left-wing Iraqi jew.  I must say, 
> all my research suggested they must exist, and here they are: half of Israel, 
> Jews indgenous to the mideast and NOT white.  And not named "Bernstein." And 
> oppressed for 1300 years. And they are half of Israel.  She refers to Iraq 
> having smashed jewish life twice in a generation.  The first time was the 
> pogrom in 1941, organized by the Mufti of jerusalem, al-Husseini, the George 
> Washington of Palestine.  *These are facts which cannot any longer be ignored 
> if we would heal this wound - and this gives new meaning to the violent 
> anti-Semitism I am reading ad nauseum in the Arab press.* 
> Jared
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