[Yes, you read the title correctly...]

Reuters. 20 August 2002. U.S. Mulls Attack on Weapons Site in Iraq -

WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration has discussed a possible covert
attack on a suspected chemical weapons operation believed to be run by
members of al Qaeda in northern Iraq, U.S. television networks reported
on Monday.

ABC News and CNN said the chemical weapons program was being run under
the protection of the radical Kurdish group Ansar al Islam in a part of
Iraq which President Saddam Hussein does not control.

"The CIA and the Pentagon began planning a covert operation into
northern Iraq to destroy what appeared to be a budding chemical weapons
laboratory several years ago, but late last week, the president called
it off," ABC said.

CNN reported no final decision had been made on whether to act against
the chemical weapons operation.

The White House declined comment on the reports.

The ABC report said the United States had been monitoring a small group
of al Qaeda operatives for weeks as they experimented with poison gas
and deadly toxins, killing barnyard animals and at least one human.

However, officials concluded the operation was so small and crude that
in the final analysis it was not worth risking American lives to go
after it and not worth the outcry that might follow any U.S. operation
inside Iraq, ABC said.

The network quoted U.S. officials as saying there was no evidence
Saddam's government had any knowledge of the al Qaeda activities.

Separately, CNN has broadcast videotapes obtained in Afghanistan which
appear to show suspected al Qaeda members testing chemical weapons on

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller
The NEW ProletarianNews


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