Education Is a Right

The government attacks on education are widespread and deepening. Across the
country, universities are raising tuition while limiting the scope and
quality of courses. At the primary education level, school districts are
being forced to begin the school year with conditions known to be, as one
principal put it, "way beyond what is good academically."

The main solution given by the federal government, as expressed in the No
Child Left Behind Act, is to further punish the schools through more funding
cuts. While Bush and Congress are pushing through almost $400 billion in
military spending for the coming year, schools are scrambling to provide
chalk. Nationwide, schools are being thrown into further chaos as they
strive to meet the federal government mandates or lose more funding.

The failure of the government to meet the claims of the youth for an
education on a par with the modern society they are born into can also be
seen in the increasing segregation of the schools. Over 130 years since the
end of the Civil War and almost 50 years since segregation of schools was
outlawed, segregation is increasing. The desire of youth from all
backgrounds and nationalities to learn together is being blocked through
government actions to keep schools and communities segregated and to reduce
education to passing this or that test.

The current wrecking of education reveals that every child is being left
behind and society as a whole is being left behind as well. At a time when
all the resources are readily available to guarantee the right to education
not only to all in the U.S. but worldwide, the U.S. is guaranteeing only
more racism, more poverty and more war.

Conditions are demanding that there is an alternative and the people
themselves, organizing to provide all rights with a guarantee, are it.

Joshua M.

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