WSWS : News & Analysis : Middle East : Iraq

US bribes and threatens "allies" over Iraq
By Bill Vann
17 September 2002

In the wake of Bush's ultimatum to the United Nation's General Assembly to back 
a US war against Iraq, Washington has launched a multi-sided campaign to bribe 
and threaten governments around the world."A thieves' kitchen" was Lenin's apt 
designation for the UN's predecessor, the League of Nations. Today's campaign by 
Washington at the UN to win support for another war on Iraq makes it clear that 
the appellation still applies. The flurry of quid pro quos and dirty deals has 
all the dignity of mobsters divvying up the spoils. While in his speech to the 
General Assembly the US president claimed that his goal was world peace, a piece 
of the action is what he is offering to world leaders in return for acquiescence 
to US aims.Secretary of State Colin Powell returned to the UN this week with the 
aim of ramming through a Security Council resolution within the next several 
days demanding that Iraq comply unconditionally with 16 separate resolutions 
imposed after the last Gulf War or face military action. Confronted with 
widespread opposition abroad and skepticism at home over its claims that Iraq 
represents a paramount threat to national and world security that can be ended 
only through a US invasion, Washington is demanding that the UN provide it with 
an international cover for American militarism.On Monday, UN Secretary General 
Kofi Annan announced that Baghdad had agreed to allow UN weapons inspectors back 
into the country. They were withdrawn under pressure from Washington in 1998 in 
advance of a four-day US-British bombing campaign.US officials have repeatedly 
insisted that whether the weapons inspectors are admitted or not, Washington's 
policy will remain one of "preemptive" war aimed at installing a US puppet 
regime in Baghdad. They have also ruled out any possibility that the regime of 
Saddam Hussein will fully comply with UN resolutions, making it clear that if 
the inspectors do return, their function will be to create provocations and 
provide a casus belli once Iraq is deemed in defiance of US/UN dictates.To set 
up a pretext for war, however, the Security Council resolution must be crafted 
according to American specifications and approved by nine of the panel's 15 
members, with none of the five permanent members-the US, Russia, Britain, France 
and China-casting a veto. Other governments in the Persian Gulf and elsewhere 
must be brought on board to provide bases and other forms of support for US 
forces participating in the attack.The main prize, of course, is oil. Neither 
American officials nor leaders of the so-called Iraqi opposition-the collection 
of royalists, wealthy exiles and ex-generals gathered in the Iraqi National 
Congress-make any bones about their intention to transfer the lion's share of 
Iraq's rich oilfields to the US-based petroleum multinationals after a 
successful US war.While endlessly repeating unsubstantiated claims about 
"weapons of mass destruction" and feigning concern over Saddam Hussein's 
internal repression, the strategic objective that the US is pursuing is control 
over Iraqi oil. The country has the second-largest proven oil reserves in the 
world-an estimated 112.5 billion barrels-trailing only Saudi Arabia. With 
growing concerns about the stability of the semi-feudal Saudi monarchy, the US 
administration is determined to seize control of Iraq.This objective, however, 
cuts across the interests of a number of countries, including three that hold 
veto power in the UN Security Council-France, Russia and China. They, together 
with a half a dozen other countries, have signed major contracts with the Iraqi 
regime to explore for petroleum or rebuild the country's oil infrastructure. 
Most of these contracts are designed to take effect once the 12-year-old UN 
economic sanctions are lifted. The State Department-sponsored Iraqi 
oppositionists have insisted that all of these contracts will be abrogated when 
and if the current regime is overthrown through a US invasion.Historically, both 
Russia and France had extensive economic interests in Iraq before the 1991 Gulf 
War and are loathe to see the US establish unfettered control over the country. 
Russia, in particular, still claims $8 billion in debt that the Saddam Hussein 
regime incurred with the former Soviet Union. Washington's none-too-subtle 
tactic is to promise these and other countries an unspecified share of the booty 
if they support the US war, while threatening that they will be cut off without 
so much as a barrel of crude should they oppose it.James Woolsey, the former CIA 
director and US corporate adviser who has emerged as a leading cheerleader for a 
speedy war against Iraq, bluntly spelled out this approach in an interview with 
the Washington Post. "It's pretty straightforward," he said. "France and Russia 
have oil companies and interests in Iraq. They should be told that if they are 
of assistance in moving Iraq toward decent government, we'll do the best we can 
to ensure that the new government and American companies work closely with 
them." But, he added, "If they throw in their lot with Saddam, it will be 
difficult to the point of impossible to persuade the new Iraqi government to 
work with them."In other words: "Help us knock over Iraq and we'll cut you in on 
the loot; get in our way and you get nothing."The most extensive initiatives 
have been taken in relation to the government of President Vladimir Putin in 
Russia, who has spoken to Bush repeatedly in recent weeks. A State Department 
delegation was dispatched last week to Moscow for a three-day visit aimed at 
reviewing "bilateral concerns" over Iraq. Early next month, Russian officials 
will hold an oil summit in Houston with their US counterparts and 
representatives of more than 100 American and Russian oil companies.As a further 
incentive, Washington is allowing other governments to interpret the "war on 
terrorism" in a manner that suits their political interests, much as the Bush 
administration has done in the US. Thus, while publicly stating its opposition 
to Russian military action in Georgia against Chechen separatists based there, 
it is widely believed that behind the scenes Washington is giving Moscow a green 
light to intensify its bloody repression inside Chechnya.Similarly, the US 
recently gave its support to Beijing's crackdown on a separatist group in 
northwestern China, the East Turkistan Islamic Movement. The State Department 
added the organization to its roster of international terrorist groups, and the 
US backed China's bid to have it placed on the UN's terrorist list.In an obvious 
bid to placate Canadian public opinion and smooth the way for Ottawa to support 
an invasion, the US Air Force announced last week that two US fighter pilots had 
been charged with manslaughter and assault for killing four Canadian soldiers 
and wounding eight in a "friendly fire" bombing in Afghanistan last April. The 
two Illinois Air National Guard pilots dropped a 500-pound laser-guided bomb on 
Canadian troops engaged in a night live fire exercise near Kandahar. US 
officials have admitted that the pilots' superiors failed to inform them about 
the Canadian maneuvers.While Turkey will be dragooned into any US war on 
Iraq-its air bases at Diyarbakir and Incirlik are already being used in 
US-British air raids on the Arab country-the unstable government of Prime 
Minister Bulent Ecevit has expressed grave concerns about an invasion's impact 
on his country.In an attempt to allay the concerns of the Turkish rulers, Bush 
inserted in his speech a carefully worded reference to US support for a "united 
Iraq." The phrase was designed to reassure countries in the region, especially 
Turkey, that Washington would suppress any move by Iraq's Kurdish minority to 
realize its long-standing aim of creating a separate state in Iraq's north and 
would back Ankara's military campaign against Turkey's own Kurds. At least 
30,000 Kurds have already died in the 17-year counterinsurgency campaign in 
eastern Turkey. Turkish military forces have long conducted cross-border raids 
into Iraq "in pursuit" of guerrillas affiliated to the PKK Kurdish separatist 
movement.Money is also likely to change hands in assuring Turkey's full 
cooperation in a US invasion. The regime in Ankara is anxious that Washington 
assure the favorable disbursement of a $16 billion credit already approved by 
the International Monetary Fund, and is seeking forgiveness on $5 billion in 
debt to the US for weapons contracts.The other key country in terms of US 
military logistics is Saudi Arabia. Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal 
said on Sunday that the monarchy would support a US invasion of Iraq if 
Washington obtained a resolution through the UN Security Council, and would once 
again allow the Pentagon to use Saudi soil as a launching pad for war.At the 
same time, the Saudi prince said that his regime would act to stabilize world 
oil prices internationally if and when war is waged. Among the key concerns that 
the Saudis have reportedly discussed with Washington is whether a post-Saddam 
regime in Baghdad would maintain its membership in the Organization of Petroleum 
Producing Countries. If Washington chose to pull it out of OPEC, Iraqi 
production and pricing could ruin the economies of other oil producers.Other 
Arab regimes that had made dire warnings of the consequences of a US war on Iraq 
have also latched on to Bush's appeal to the UN as a cover for lining up behind 
Washington. Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak, for example, made a tour of the 
region in the immediate aftermath of Bush's speech, urging united pressure by 
the Arab regimes to force Iraq to readmit the weapons inspectors. After Israel, 
Egypt is the largest recipient of US military aid in the world.In Pakistan, 
military ruler General Pervez Musharraf has been given a free hand by the US to 
consolidate his dictatorship. While the State Department issued a pro forma 
criticism of constitutional changes Musharraf introduced last month guaranteeing 
the military's control of the government and blocking the country's two most 
popular politicians from the polls, Bush made it clear that he was not 
concerned. "President Musharraf is still tight with us in the war against 
terror, and that's what I appreciate," said the US president.Other countries 
with temporary members on the Security Council have begun making their own 
demands, hoping to get concessions from Washington in return for a vote on an 
Iraqi intervention resolution. For example, Mexican President Vicente Fox, a 
usually docile ally of Washington, made public statements last week complaining 
about the Bush administration's failure to carry through on its promise to 
legalize the status of some three million undocumented Mexican workers in the 
US. Regularizing their status, he said pointedly, should be possible while 
continuing to wage the "war on terrorism."It will hardly comes as a surprise to 
see new US aid projects quickly assembled for Cameroon, Guinea and Mauritius, 
all small and impoverished African countries that happen to hold three of the 10 
temporary seats on the Security Council.While opposed by sections of his own 
Republican party as a capitulation to "internationalism" and retreat from the 
unilateral use of American military might, Bush's turn to the UN to prepare a 
war against Iraq has once again exposed the central purpose for which the 
institution was designed-providing an international rubber stamp for imperialist 
intrigue. The ease with which the US is able to buy or intimidate government 
after government into backing an unprovoked war of aggression has also revealed 
the prostration and corruption of the ruling cliques not only in the Arab world, 
but throughout the regions of the globe that are oppressed by 
imperialism.Washington's cynical maneuvers will prove far less effective, 
however, in dispelling the hostility of working people all over the world to war 
and the horror felt by millions at the prospect of massive civilian casualties 
and destruction in a US assault on Iraq.

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