When I got up this dark morning about 2 a.m. or so MDT, and saw the
succession of  ASDnet posts [some friendlier to me than the obviously very
hostile others] stemming from David Anderson's tossing about of Ian
Williams' article essentially trashing the anti-war movement -- and much
from my quite pointed and unapologetic response thereto -- I had several
more cups of coffee, played with my half-Bobcat cat, and read my copy of
Backpacker magazine.  Had a great time Saturday in super-rugged canyon
country where there was nothing -- nothing whatsoever -- of any human sign.

This sunny morning I do have a very brief word or two. [And, to my left,
reside my 45 volumes of Lenin flanked by Ignatius of Loyola -- and, on my
other side, the sketch my father gave me in my baby crib of the Mohawk
leader Joseph Brant [Thayendanegea] watching his warriors burning out the
settlers in the Cherry Valley section of New York. The feathered Bear Skull
looks down on us all.]

The real point is that DSA -- in contrast to most other American Left
outfits -- has not yet issued a statement against  War with Iraq  and seems,
for whatever reason, to be deferring this into next month.[Hopefully.
there'll be a clean and sharp and vigorously vital one forthwith.]  Beyond
simply being regrettable, this singular so-far omission is downright
weird -- given the incredible urgency which demands that every concerned
person and organization add their voice and influence against  the hideous
and bloody Bush/Ashcroft rock-slide/railroad job and the cowardice of most
of Congress.  It's also incumbent, one would think, for DSA to become
officially involved organizing-wise in some of its own mobilizations against
War [and Repression.]

On the rush by some to defend Ian Williams, I do have a word.  It may seem
strange to sectarian purists -- especially those of Bogdan's fossil
formations in New York's version of the Petrified Forest -- for someone such
as myself to include, among my several favorite novels, the  great Darkness
at Noon [just as my two favorite all-time flicks are Salt of the Earth --
and Shane.]  Anyone who knows me isn't a whit surprised at any of that --
but most DSA critics of mine have simply  jumped with their poisonous darts
before they've read or reflected on that which I've really tried to write
carefully. From my perspective, at least, their motives are far from pure.

In Darkness -- during the Second Hearing -- the interrogator of Old
Bolshevik Rubashov, his friend Ivanov [very soon to be killed via his
bureaucratically mechanistic subordinate, Gletkin], comments with some
biting cordiality:  "Imagine a Sulla, a Galliffet, a Koltschak reading
Raskolnikov.  Such peculiar birds as you are found only in the trees of

Ivanov had an excellent point.  The trees of revolution abound with
"peculiar birds."  Those of us in those Living Forests over which the Red
Sun shines with its always-ultimate optimism  -- and we are all indeed
 kin -- are certainly not my concern.  And Rubashov, of course, had not left
the trees of revolution by any means [although he was, in due course, to be

My concern in this specific context lies  very much with those who have in
reality left the trees of revolution -- and who, now "born again,"
sanctimoniously prattle and divide and defame those who continue their
commitment and great good works.

Yours -

Hunter Gray  [Hunterbear]
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