Dear Macdonald,
that's really bad. Not reading it very carefulkly I took it seriously and passed 
it on to an internet journal ( which published it as an 
Best,   A.Holberg

Macdonald Stainsby schrieb:
> Hello... I'm going to forward my answer to this to all the lists I sent the
> original to, and any places it was forwarded might benefite from this message
>  as
> well...
> The speech was written by me. It was/is a parody of a Bush speech. Basically,
>  I
> was trying to show what a strong case against The United States, based on the
> Saddam criteria being developed by American leaders and media pundits, exists.
> Aside from the UN resolutions against America that I fabricated, everything
> mentioned is either constantly inferred (such as Hussein and WMD in the "real"
> world) or a known fact (Saddam gassing Kurds in the "real" world). This is to
> make a case against America, and do it in a fun way, I guess. Basically it is
>  a
> Bush speech; a speech spun from the form of speech given by Bush into a speech
> against Bush.
> AS the speech makes clear, America is a terrorist state that must be attacked
> pre-emptively or it will continue its promotion of terror the world over.
> Anyhow, I hope that "very, very unoffical" makes more sense now.
> sabra-shatila = wtc/pentagon
> wmd= depleted uranium and nukes
> israel = rogue state/terror sponsor/perveyor, linked to America
> etc, etc...
> Macdonald
> ----- Original Message -----
> > aloha e macdonald stainsby,  thank you for your 'very very unofficial
> > transcript -- written by macdonald stainsby'  -- a transcript of saddam
> > hussein's speech that was sent out to the redbadbear webgroup on 9/18.  it's
> > quite a powerful speech.  could you or anyone else be more specific, like
> > where it was delivered -- which day, time, place, and by whom?  if it was at
> > the general assembly at the u.n. on september 16, was it picked up at all by
> > any press group?  did the u.n.s press office cover it?
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