ML Update
A CPI(ML) Weekly News Magazine
Vol.-5; No.-40; 2-8 Oct 2002


The Akshardham tragedy has followed the Gujarat Genocide almost as
inexorably as the Bombay Blasts had followed the riots in 1993. The
outrageous attack on visitors in this famous Gandhinagar temple which left
more than thirty people dead and many more injured has been condemned
unequivocally by the entire country. The VHP and Shiv Sena reacted once
again with another Bharat Bandh, but the bandh passed off remarkably
'peacefully' as had been appealed by Modi. The anger this time was directed
exclusively against Pakistan as Advani and Vajpayee took great trouble to
explain the entire Akshardham episode as Pakistan's reply to the elections
being held in Jammu and Kashmir.

Advani's attempt to present the Akshardham episode as an attack on democracy
resembled Bush's interpretation of 9/11 as an assault on American democracy
and civilization. But luckily few in India are willing to buy this Advani
line. Also, unlike Bush's war on Afghanistan, Advani will find it difficult
to translate his high- voltage rhetoric against Pakistan into a real war.
The forces of peace and sanity in both India and Pakistan must however
sharpen their vigil.

The Pakistani terrorist plot theory being dished out by official sources in
New Delhi and Gandhinagar has thrown up more questions than it can claim to
answer. Regardless of the actual identity of the two persons involved in the
Akshardham shootout, there can be no mistaking the motivation that lay
behind the incident. Located in the high-security heart of Gandhinagar, the
constituency of none other than Advani, and epitomising the enormous clout
of the powerful Patel lobby, Akshardham temple is clearly loaded with
symbolism. There are now reports that the government had enough warnings
from its own intelligence agencies, yet conditions around the temple were
left almost tailor-made for the execution of the episode.
So much for the government's tall claims on vigilance and security!

The other question which is now on everybody's lips in Gujarat is why the
central and state governments acted so differently after Godhra and
Akshardham? There was no televised appeal for restraint from Modi after
Godhra. It then took days and weeks for Advani and Vajpayee to reach Gujarat
whereas this time round they were all there within hours of the incident.
And the September 26 bandh wore such a different look from February 28 and
March 1 when the entire state was completely leased out to the VHP while the
state machinery just complied and colluded with the VHP-led dance of death
and destruction. The role of the state in the post-Godhra Genocide now
stands doubly confirmed.

The Modi regime hopes that the Akshardham episode would bolster its
electoral prospects and even lend it a fresh coat of legitimacy and
respectability! But if the response evoked by the "Save Gujarat, Save India"
rally and convention by left and democratic forces in Ahmedabad on September
28, just a day after the VHP's bandh is any indication, Gujarat is tired of
this vicious cycle of fascist violence and Modi's dreams may just not be
realized. Let us intensify our campaign to win the battle of secularism and
democracy in Gujarat.


CPI(ML) held nationwide protests on 28 September with the call "No to
Terrorism, No to Communal Fanaticism". Massive marches were organised in
Ahmedabad and Delhi and elsewhere in the country. The Party General
Secretary com. Dipankar Bhattacharya along with leaders of various
organisations and intellectuals led the march for peace and harmony in
Ahmedabad and addressed a convention in the city. Before the march, com.
Dipankar Bhattacharya also met all 33 injured victims including seven
securitymen who are admitted in the Ahmedabad Civil Hospital.

In Ahmedabad, the march began from city railway station and after covering
the main streets in the city reached Ambedkar Hall where a well attended
Convention was held. Around a thousand people participated in the march. The
convention witnessed a broad based participation of the Left-democratic
stream. Communist and Socialist leaders, trade union activists, Gandhians,
Ambedkarites and large number of activists of social organisations and civil
liberty movement attended the Convention. Activists from Rajasthan and
Maharashtra also joined the march and the Convention. The Convention began
with observing a two minutes silence in the memory of those killed in the
terrorist attack on the Akshardham temple in Gandhinagar in Gujarat. The
Convention was addressed among others by CPI(ML) General Secretary Dipankar
Bhattacharya, former member of the Planning Commission S. P. Shukla, 'Red
Flag' General Secretary K. N. Ramchandran, Unity Initiative leader and trade
unionist P. K. Murthy, CPI(ML) Gujarat Incharge Ranjan Ganguly, noted social
activists and intellectuals Achyut Yagnik, noted trade union leaders and
social activists Aseem Roy and Mukul Sinha and known Gandhians Chunni Bhai
Vaid and Prakash Shah. The functionaries of local units of CPI and CPI(M) in
Gujarat as well as the leaders of organisations like SUCI, Lal Nishan Party
(Leninist), Lal Nishan Party, Gujarat Lok Sangharsh Samiti, Gujarat Khet
Vikas Parishad, Lok Adhikar Sangh, Gujarat Ekta Manch, Insaf, Prashant,
Punaruthan, Gujarat Adivasi Sabha, Banaskantha Zila Dalit Sangathan and
Dalit Panther also joined the march and Convention. The solidarity messages
received from Communist Parties and organisations from abroad were read out
in the convention.

The Convention passed resolutions demanding arrrest of all responsible,
including police personnel, for the killings in Gujarat, adequate
compensation to the families of deceased and injured, and rehabilitation of
all displaced people in a humane manner.

Addressing the Convention, the CPI(ML) General Secretary Dipankar
Bhattacharya condemned the terrorist attack on Swaminarayan temple in
Gandhinagar and called upon people in Gujarat and all over the country to
maintain peace, vigil and harmony and make sure that saffron fascists are
not allowed to create fresh round of trouble once again in Gujarat. He said,
"Gujarat is crying for peace ... peace based on justice ... and this justice
and peace can not be achieved through terrorist path. Gujarat needs a
powerful left-democratic intervention. It calls for a vigorous political
mobilisation of all the concerned secular-democratic forces . Only such a
mobilisation can check the politics of competitive Hindutva, between BJP and
Congress, and can save Gujarat from reducing to a graveyard of democracy and
laboratory of fascism."

Com. Dipankar said, "first they used the widely condemned Godhra carnage to
unleash a series of well planned anti-Muslim pogroms. Now, they want to use
the temple tragedy to further capitalise on their communal gameplan".

Talking about the BSP-BJP joint venture in Uttar Predesh and its celebration
held in Lucknow on 28 September in which L. K. Advani also participated ,
the com. Dipankar said that Mayawati had no scruples about endorsing the
saffron agenda whether in Gujarat or at Ayodhya. Com. Dipankar called upon
all communists and socialists as well as Gandhians, Ambedkarites and
concerned social activists in Gujarat to come to a common platform.

In Delhi, nearly fifteen hundred activists, mainly students and youth from
Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Orissa, Assam and
Delhi, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhatisgarh and Punjab, stood out a
massive 'anti-terrorism-anti-communal fanaticism' march from New Delhi
railway station to Ferozshah Kotla Ground. It was led among others by
Rajendra Pratholi, Ranjit Abhigyan, Lal Bahadur Singh, Kavita Krishnan,
Mithilesh Yadav, Sunil Yadav and Md. Saleem. The march culminated into
'SANKALP SABHA' (meeting to take pledge). The meeting commemorated the Birth
Anniversary of Shahid-E-Azam Bhagat Singh and pledged to carry forward
Bhagat Singh's legacy of struggle against imperialism and communal
fanaticism. A book titled "Bhagat Singh: Vichar Aur Sangharsh", published by
AISA and RYA, was released on this occasion by Sri Jagmohan, General
Secretary of Punjab Jantantrik Sabha and Bhagat Singh's nephew. This was
also addressed by the former Chief Justice of Delhi High Court, Rajinder
Sachar, noted journalist Jawed Naqvi, Jan Sanskrit Manch General Secretary
Ajay Singh, former President of the Benaras Hindu University Students' Union
Anand Pradhan and others. Professor Subhendu Ghosh of Delhi University and
several other cultural activists presented songs on this occasion.

March and demonstrations were also held at several other centers including
Patna, Bhagalpur, Lucknow, Kanpur, Pilibhit and Kolkata, Raiganj,
Jalpaiguri, and Siliguri.


The Democratic Socialist Party of Australia has sent its message of
solidarity to the Ahmedabad Convention against communal fascist forces held
on 28 September. While endorsing the demands of the Convention, John Percy,
National Secretary of DSP, has said "this Convention coincides with protests
around the world against another planned genocide-that being organised by US
imperialism against Iraq. ... and another genocide already taking place, the
Israel state's murderous assault against Palestinian people." He further
adds, "Bush's war drive needs an united response by all left and progressive
forces around the world."

The South Asia Solidarity Group based in London, has sent its solidarity
greetings and full support to its key demands of dismissal of the Modi
government, imposition of President Rule in Gujarat with a credible non-RSS
Governor, full rehabilitation of the survivors of the genocide and bringing
the planners and perpetrators to justice. The SASG has said in its message,
"We believe that at this time of crisis the Convention will be an important
step in signaling that, despite the unimaginable horrors of the Gujarat
genocide, fascism will not be allowed to continue on its path of destruction
and degradation. In taking this courageous step, you are also reminding
India and the world that those who survived the genocide will not be
forgotten, and that creating a situation in which they can live in peace and
security is an urgent and continuing task." The SASG, in a separate press
release, has also condemned the recent attack on temple in Gandhinagar
cautioning against the "propagation of communal hatred by the Hindutava
fascists", as a probable fallout.

International South Asia Forum (INSAF), based in US, had also sent its
warmest solidarity to the Convention emphasising that, " It is not
sufficient to ensure that the likes of Narendra Modi do not rule over
Gujarat any more. They all, and their mentors and masters sitting in New
Delhi and elsewhere, must be treated as those who have committed Crimes
Against Humanity and Crimes of Genocide. California based "Coalition For
Egalitarian & Pluralistic India" extended its greetings and wished the
Convention all success.



In the city of Ahmedabad, which was the epicenter of the Gujasrat genocide,
the social and political forces from Communist, Socialist, Gandhian,
Ambedkarites and secular humanist traditions have converged to express their
concern on the development of communal fascism and show their commitment to
struggle for the defeat of the Sangh parivar's agenda to make Gujarat into a
laboratory for a Fascist State.
The delegates from all over Gujarat and various parts of India are saddened
by the recent spurt in the killing of innocent fellow Indians from the
Godhra train burning to the statewide heinous genocide and now the wanton
killing at Akshrdham temple. They share the pain and loss of the bereaved

This Convention notes that the injecting of communal ideology into society
and state leads to a cycle of events of violence and counter violence in
which innocents always become victims. The rise of BJP to power in Gujarat
and their open support and legitimacy to communal violence have created
conditions in which no person is safe and secure. Each and every person can
become a victim of communal violence or terrorist reaction. For normal life
to return and the right of life to be secured the ideology and politics of
communal violence have to be ejected out of our society and polity.

This Convention firmly declares that Gujarat will not be allowed to be
turned into the graveyard of social tolerance and democracy. The entire
civilized world in one voice has condemned the BJP government, first, for
its social intolerance in Dang and then for Genocide. The rising opposition
and struggle against the Sangh parivar and the failure to enforce early
election to benefit from the communal polarization, has led Modi to indulge
in more provocative speeches and launch the 'Gaurav Yatra' to perpetuate
their communal division. In fact, the enforcement of peaceful 'bandh' on
26th September by government in contrast to 28th February, when communal
carnage was allowed to be unleashed, exposes the myth of spontaneous Hindu
reaction and confirms the complicity and connivance of the Modi government.
In this situation the dismissal of the Modi Government has emerged as the
battle cry for all secular and democratic Indians.

This Convention is of the firm view that constitutionally and morally the
Modi Government has no right to govern, as has also been commented upon by
National Human Rights Commission, the Election Commission and Press Council
of India. The Convention demands the imposition of President's Rule under a
credible secular Governor in Gujarat. Then only confidence among the people
and communal amity can be restored.

This Convention demands that:

1. All responsible for the killings should be arrested, prosecuted and
convicted to restore the rule of law and justice.
2. All members of the police force and administrative services who conspired
and colluded in the genocide be removed from services and made accountable
to law.
3. Adequate compensation be provided for death, injury and damages to family
4. Create conditions for return of all the displaced persons to their homes
and fully rehabilitate them in a humane manner.

This convention declares its unequivocal support for the democratic rights
of Muslims as citizens of India and its commitment to defend their rights,
liberty and life, in all situations. It is aware that the rise of Hindutva
politics, the daily intimidation, the brutality of violence and the genocide
has created anguish and anger among the minority community and shaken their
confidence in democracy and secularism.

This Convention is deeply convinced that the people of India will defeat the
forces of communal fascism. The majority of people, as their struggles
unfold, will see through communal fascism and the incompatibility of their
economic and political interests with communal politics. Both the history of
struggle against dictatorships, against Fascism in Europe and the Emergency
in India as well as the fact that people are makers of history provides the
basis of conviction. The Convention appeals to the people to reject
terrorism, as it does not help the struggle against Communal Fascism.

This convention comprising representatives of leading political and social
organizations struggling against liberalization, privatization and
globalization, which is depriving people of their income, savings, work,
livelihood, economic, social rights and even life. From their experience
they want to share the lesson that these struggles are weakened by communal
fascism, for it undermines the social cohesion of organizations and
movements, degrades the ideas of equality and justice in society and
destroys the democratic institutions. This economic offensive against the
people can be defeated by overcoming communal prejudices and promoting
tolerance for the diversities of culture, religion and social identity that
make up this country. However, communal fascism inflames prejudices, rejects
tolerance and destroys fraternity and so weakens the unity of people of
India to build a socially just society and economy.

This convention calls upon people to combine their struggle for economic and
social demands with the struggle against communal fascism in order to build
a new society, a new democratic, secular and egalitarian India.

This Convention resolves to carry forward the broad unity of left and
democratic forces expressed here at Ahmedabad and gives the call to Defeat
Communal Fascism! Save Gujarat! Save India!
Date: September 28, 2002.


The 4th state conference of AICCTU was held in Pondichery on 22-23
September. 85 delegates and 15 observers from 22 unions affiliated to AICCTU
in the state participated in the conference. Com. Swapan Mukherjee,
All-India General Secretary of AICCTU, attended the conference as chief
guest. Guest speakers from AITUC, CITU, HMS and all other major unions in
the state also addressed the open session of the conference. The conference
elected a 25-member executive committee with Balasubramanium as the state
president and S. Ilangovan as the state general secretary. The resolutions
passed by the conference asked for regular fixation of minimum wages and
abolition of contract labour system. One resolution called upon the central
government not to accept the recommendations of the Second Labour
Commission. The Conference also demanded the withdrawal of POTA and
dismissal of Narendra Modi govt. in Gujarat.

The conference also resolved to organise a protest before the Labour
Department office in the second week of November and to organize a
procession before the Assembly in the first week of October. On the occasion
of the conference, workers took out a rally with a large participation of
women workers.


The All India Students' Association candidate has won the President's post
in the Students' Union elections in Ramnagar in Uttaranchal. This is the
third consecutive victory for AISA in this campus defeating Akhil Bharatiya
Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) candidate by a wide margin.


Amidst consolidating consensus fast emerging against American war designs
worldwide, people took part in anti-war demonstrations in very large numbers
in many important cities of the world on Sept. 28. London witnessed a huge
anti-war demonstration which was unprecedented in its recent history as
atleast 3,50,000 people marched and rallied. March leaders used bullhorns to
shout through the gates of Blair's 10 Downing Street residence as they
headed toward Hyde Park. Recent polls in Britain and Italy have shown that
70 percent citizens of these nations oppose Britain joining a U.S.-led
military action.
The demonstration was jointly sponsored by the Stop the War Coalition and
the Muslim Association of Britain. It was endorsed by 12 national trade
unions, numerous Muslim and anti-racist organisations, Members of Parliament
and the Mayor of London. The march was also meant as a protest of Israel's
policies in the West Bank and Gaza, and many protesters expressed sympathy
for the Palestinian cause." Organisers have called for another protest-"Don'
t Attack Iraq Day" on Oct 31.

In British Parliament too, Prime Minister Blair is facing opposition by a
section of his own Party colleagues who have staged a revolt against his
Iraq policy. The Liberal Democratic Party, the third largest in the UK, has
also declared its opposition to what it called the U.S.'s "imperialist"

Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Rome the same day carrying
red flags and chanted anti-war slogans.

Anti-war protest also drew thousands in San Francisco protesting possible
U.S. military action in Iraq. Protesters carried banners reading slogans
like "Drop Bush not Bombs" and "Terrorists wear pinstriped suits".

People also marched through Madrid in Spain in thousands to demand that the
U.S. President George W. Bush must not go to war with Iraq and urged Spain's
government to refrain from supporting it. Earlier, hundreds of Greek
Cypriots rallied peacefully on 22 Sept. against the presence of British
bases on the island, which could be used in an attack on Iraq.

Thousands of people opposing war with Iraq also marched to the residence of
the US Vice President Dick Cheney In Washington on 22 Sept., culminating
three days of demonstrations.


More than 2000 anti-globalisation protesters braved police batons during a
militant demonstration in Washington where a meeting of G-7 countries
(Britain, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan and America) was being held on Sept.
28. Protesters opposing World Bank and IMF policies planned to picket major
companies in the city and held demonstrations in many streets in small
groups dodging the police. Later nearly 650 persons were arrested by the
police, a number greater than the people arrested in Seattle three years
ago. Few people were also injured during the protest.



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