By Dan La Botz*

[Cincinnati, Oct. 8, 2002] Thousands protested in Cincinnati 
yesterday [Monday, Oct. 7] as president George W. Bush spoke, calling 
upon the American people to support a Congressional measure which 
would give him the power to carry out a war against Iraq.

While Bush spoke inside, demonstrators lined the sidewalks in front 
of the Cincinnati Museum Center (the former Union Terminal) and for 
blocks around, chanting, singing, and waving signs opposing the war.

"What an amazing peace rally that was last night! When I first sent 
out an e-mail one week ago to mobilize people, I had hoped  to get 
1,000 people to protest Bush's speech for war. We estimate over 5,000 
people gathered last night! It was beautiful!" said Sayrah Namaste, 
one of the organizers of the event. Local news media and NPR also 
reported "thousands" at the event.

Organized in just three days, protesters came from dozens of 
churches, several universities and high schools, and from people of 
all walks of life. Carrying signs reading, "No war on Iraq," "No 
blood for oil," and just plain "Peace," the demonstrators stood, 
marched, and danced for as long as four-hours first in the late 
afternoon and then into the evening. When evening came they lit 
candles and turned on flash lights illuminating the streets 
throughout the area.

Churches Pray-and March-for Peace

Mainly organized by e-mail, leaflets and word-of-mouth, the call for 
the demonstration spread through hundreds of social networks 
throughout the region. Pastors and preachers and lay activists 
organized their churches had large turnouts. The groups carried signs 
and banners identifying a wide spectrum of denominations: Catholic, 
Episcopal, Presbyterian, Methodist, United Church of Christ and many 

At an organizing event held in Cincinnati two days before, 
representatives of those and other faiths read statements from their 
national leaderships and local congregations opposing the war. Among 
those who read a statement was Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, the 
well-known African American civil rights leader, who strongly opposed 
the war.

High School and College Students Swell the Demonstration

College students from Miami University carried a large, blue banner 
emblazoned with their opposition to the war. Other students from 
Earlham College in southern Indiana, wearing school sweatshirts and 
waving pompoms danced and chanted, snaking their way through the 
crowd. Others came up from universities in Lexington, Kentucky. The 
day of the march a group of 15-year old students distributed a 
thousand leaflets to 2,000 fellow students at Walnut Hills High 
School, and students from many other Cincinnati schools were there 
shouting and waving signs as well. Everywhere one looked were young 
people, groups of African American high school students, young people 
from the Muslim community and other Middle Easterners, as well as a 
few Latinos, a relatively new immigrant group in the area.

Labor for Peace

Dan Radford, executive secretary-treasurer of the Cincinnati Labor 
Council, put out an e-mail to union leaders and members informing 
them about the demonstration, and explaining the national AFL-CIO 
position. "The President will be in Cincinnati at Union Terminal at 8 
PM tonight. He is coming specifically to speak about Iraq to a group 
of people hand-picked by the Chamber of Commerce.  The event is by 
invitation only, and no one is permitted to ask the President 
questions. This hardly seems the type of robust public debate called 
for." Several local labor union leaders and activists attended the 
rally, as well as many union members, though they mostly came as 

Bob Park, a member of AFGE Local 3840 and that union's delegate to 
the Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council, wore the orange t-shirt of  a 
protest monitor and directed demonstrators toward the Museum, 
explained that he was there because as he sees it, "The Bush 
administration is launching an assault in many fronts."

"One front," said Park, "is in world diplomacy and aimed against 
Iraq, trying to rearrange the whole Middle East situation. Another is 
the labor front with the threat to invoke Taft-Hartley, and their 
worry about shipping problems related to war. It's also another 
example of modernizing the workforce, getting rid of unions, getting 
rid of workers. That seems to be one of their goals."

There were other labor activists as well. Dick Wiesenhahn, a golf 
equipment salesman and the local volunteer organizer of the Farm 
Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC) boycott of Mt. Olive pickles, stood 
up at the front of the demonstration between the protesters, the 
police, and a handful of Bush-Cheney supporters waving little 
read-white-and-blue pompoms. "I'm here  because I thought it was 
absolutely important for people of all ages to be here and make a 
statement just by being there. If people don't step up, then I think 
the war effort will go ahead, and I think it's up to everyone to 
stand up for what they believe in, regardless of which side they are 
on, they should exercise their rights to dissent."

"I think the whole idea of attacking Iraq is crazy," Wiesenhahn 
continued. "It's been there for a long time, and if we attack there 
it will make us something like the Nazis in Germany, just to attack 
anybody that doesn't agree with you. Hopefully sanity will prevail."

Diversity in Action

Many of those at the demonstration were themselves surprised at its 
size, its spirit, and its breadth. "I was really encouraged to see 
not only so many people at the event, but such a diversity of folks. 
Not just young activists, and anti-war activists, but also a broad 
range of people of all ages, classes, races. I found that very 
encouraging. It made me feel much less alone, and isolated. This was 
organized on a moment's notice and it didn't take much to turn out so 
many thousands of people. It just shows me and I hope others in 
Cincinnati and the nation that the public really wants the president 
to slow down, and to change course from bombing and attacking to 
non-violent peaceful means of settling the dispute," said Glen Brand, 
Midwest Regional Representative of the Sierra Club.

Groups instrumental in organizing the protest ranged from a local 
Christian community, the New Jerusalem Center, to the International 
Socialist Organization (ISO), one of the largest groups on the left. 
At the center of the organization of the demonstration was the 
Inter-Community Justice and Peace Center (IJPC) that reached out to 
churches and schools in the area.

"IJPC was involved because people asked us to help find a way for 
them to express their opinions. People called to say, 'What are we 
going to do? we have to do something.' What I thought was wonderful 
was that the opinions that were expressed were a whole variety of 
concerns, but the one thing in common was: no war. But the reasons 
and how people came to that came from many different places. Some 
people came because of their religious convictions. Others were 
concerned about the economy. Others worried about Iraq and the human 
issues of suffering. Some people concerned about new 'preemptive 
war.' There were people concerned about the whole Middle Eastern 
situation and the escalation of violence that might come from such a 
war. And then there were the pacifists who always oppose war." said 
Sister Alice Gerdeman, IJPC coordinator.

Gerdeman said she was delighted with the demonstration. "I was 
particularly gratified by the number of people who told me they had 
never been to a demonstration, but they said, 'I have to go to this 
one.' I think the energy level there was so positive, it was so 
enthusiastic, caring and very non-violent. People were living out of 
the model they hope our government can learn to use. They respected 
differences and were willing to express their opinion."

Families Protesting Together

"It was particularly exciting to see so many young people, not only 
college students but also high school students, many of whom were at 
their first demonstration ever. It was great to see them experience 
the power that groups can have when they come together to protest," 
said Sherry Baron, a physician who attended with her two sons, 11 and 

There were young people everywhere. "My son Connor who is 11 very 
much wanted to participate in opposing the war, and he urged me to 
go," Barb Boylan, a public health worker, who was at the 
demonstration with her son. "I think that this call for war is very 
premature and I find it kind of scary. Frankly, I think that the 
president is using this as an opportunity to win some elections in 
the fall. There have been corporate scandals, and I think is a way of 
not looking at that. I am not convinced that Saddam Hussein is a 
threat, and I would like the participation of the world community in 
evaluating that, and that means the U.N. process."

African American Civil Rights Activists Join In

Many African American civil rights activists participated in the 
protest, among them Jackie Shropshire, a boxing coach and a founder 
of the Cincinnati Black United Front. Shropshire explained why he was 
there: "My point of view is that we need to come to a meeting of the 
minds without war. We have to find a way to start settling our 
problems without going to war and causing death--that's on both 
sides. All indications are that this will be more a war about oil 
than about the safety of the citizens of the country," said 
Shropshire. "They were supposed to be zeroing in on Al Qaeda, and 
where did that mission go? I think we should address the problems in 
our homeland first, and get our own house in order before we can deal 
with other parts of the world. Until this country is willing to face 
up with the domestic terrorists here like the KKK, we have to deal 
with them."

Taking Heart in the Heartland

Cincinnati was chosen by Bush precisely because it is one of the most 
conservative cities of the Midwestern heartland, perhaps one of the 
most conservative in the country, and yet thousands poured into the 
streets. How is this to be explained?

First, of course, the size of the demonstrations indicates the broad 
and deep opposition to the war by many sectors of society. Many of 
the nation's most important organizations from the Roman Catholic 
Church to the AFL-CIO to the Sierra Club have taken positions opposed 
to a unilateral, preemptive war on Iraq. They have done so because 
President has failed to convince the public that Saddam Hussein is an 
imminent threat and that all other options have been exhausted.

Many citizens believe that the United Nations should be involved 
first in attempting a peaceful resolution, before there is a turn to 
war. Many believe that Bush is pushing for war now because of the 
coming mid-term elections. As one protester's sign said, the "The 
imminent threat is November 5." Another group believes that Bush and 
vice-president Dick Cheney represent the oil companies who want to 
dominate Middle Eastern and Central Asian oil. In any case, the 
anti-war opposition has many arguments, and wants to be part of the 

Around the country, people believe that there is no real public 
debate on the war, largely because of the pusillanimity and passivity 
of the Democratic Party. What is democracy without discussion and 
debate? Many local Cincinnatians were outraged that Bush called a 
town hall meeting where he chose the town, chose the hall, and then 
had the Chamber of Commerce fill it with Republicans (and 
conservative Democrats) who support him and the war. Perhaps that's 
why one of the most popular chants was one taken from earlier 
anti-globalization protests in Seattle a few years ago: "This is what 
democracy looks like."

After most of the protesters had returned to nearby Laurel Park for a 
closing rally, a group of a few hundred blocked the exit from the 
Museum Center parking lot, keeping several hundred of Bush's audience 
from leaving up to an hour. Officers on horseback rode through the 
crowd attempting to disperse it, and eventually the group broke up. 
Police arrested half-a-dozen demonstrators.

Improving the Political Environment

While the widespread opposition to the war accounted for the 
unprecedented turnout, there were also some local factors. The 
Cincinnati anti-war protest, the largest in decades, can also be 
explained in part by two-years of almost continuous activism in the 
city. The new activist climate began in November 2000 when the 
Coalition for a Human Economy (CHE), a local anti-globalization 
group, began protests against the Trans-Atlantic Business Dialog 
(TABD), and then carried on by organizing against the Free Trade Area 
of the Americas (FTAA).

When Cincinnati police shot and killed an unarmed African American 
youth, Timothy Thomas in April of 2001, those mainly white activists 
joined with African American community organizations, such as the 
Black United Front, in protest rallies and demonstrations. By June 2, 
1001 local civil rights activists had organized a March for Justice 
that involved 2,500 marchers, the largest integrated demonstration in 
Cincinnati's modern history. Later many of those activists formed the 
Coalition for a Justice Cincinnati (CJC), one of several groups 
calling for a boycott of the city because of its history of economic 
apartheid and police racism and violence.

All along activists for social justice had to deal with a repressive 
city government and police force that attempted to suppress their 
movement, sometimes violently. Police used shotguns loaded with 
beanbags to shoot mourners at Thomas's funeral, and met other 
protests with massive numbers of officers in riot gear. But in those 
two years, Cincinnati social justice activists won the right to march 
and protest, and made it a legitimate part of the city's political 
life. At the same time, in the course of those two years of protests, 
the city created a dedicated core of local activists.

But, above all it was opposition to the war that brought some 5,000 
people to fill the streets near the Museum Center, chanting to peace, 
opposing war, and denying Bush the approval he had wanted from what 
was once the Midwest's most conservative city. Seems like it isn't 
any more.

*Dan La Botz is a Cincinnati-based writer, teacher, and activist. His 
latest book is Made in Indonesia: Indonesian Workers Since Suharto 
published by South End Press.

* Calendar of Events in Columbus: 
* Anti-War Activist Resources: <>
* Student International Forum: <>
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: <>

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